Weird But True

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bad Week at Work + Busy Gym + Heavy Lfting =

Trash Mouth!!! My oh my - I was fitting right in with the "men" this weekend! I kept catching myself and apologizing/excusing my language!

I got out of work late on Friday - really - was I surprised by this? But I was DETERMINED to lift! So I flew in the door - changed and grabbed a "back up" program. My current method of self torture is a circuit program - which I LOVE - but getting out late might mean that the gym would be crowded so a circuit might not be an option....

Traffic was not of my side! Running late, growing more frustrated by the minute, I finally get to the gym to find it full of the Friday night group - the youngish wannabe's who train in their street clothes to get a quick pump before going out to "meet the ladies".


So I take a look at the program I grabbed as back up - always with a back up plan - nothing was going to stop me!

I grabbed a good one!!!! Progressive overload - NOICE!!!!

XBF showed up to train - now I had a spot - SWEET!

I'm grunting, panting, turning red and the words that were seemingly flowing out of me! Tsk!Tsk!Tsk! Luckily he does not embarrass easily!

This was repeated again Saturday and Sunday. Heavy lifting - great spot - and potty mouth.

But I am happy to report that my Grrrrrr has turned back to my usual Purrrrrrrrr!!! And DOMS is already setting in! I will finally get a sound night's sleep tonight! Yes!!!!!

To add to my newfound happy state - XBF has repaired my computer - making it faster than ever and in no time flat!!!!

So tomorrow is my power walk in the a.m., dinner and video games - my treat - in the evening.

A rough start to my weekend - but a perfect ending!!!

Life in Heaven has returned to "normal" - LOL!


  • Ahh, don't you just love the crowd who are at the gym for show! We have a few bunches of guys like that - they are like a bunch of old women standing around gossiping. There's usually around 6 of them clamouring around one little item of equipment, with only one poor bugger working!

    Can relate to the potty mouth - I have done too much construction work though! Hard to restrain it sometimes, esp at work I find!

    By Blogger Carolyn, at 6:25 AM  

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