Weird But True

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Anyone translate dreams?

Oh sure - I could Google the definition of this one, but it's really more fun - and interesting to just ask you guys! I've had this dream at least 3 times in the past 10 days.....frankly I blame the cold medicine - but maybe there is some hidden meaning........I only hope it's a "good" dream..........Here it goes:

It's about mice. Yup - mice. I, hopefully, don't have any mice here in Heaven - at least none that I know about. But my Dad has caught a couple in his garage recently, and a coworker has them in her kitchen - she's caught over 6 lately - YUCK!!! It's Fall - so I suppose they too want to come indoors where it is long as it's not on my "cloud"...

ANYWAYS - my dream.. I see a mouse, brown and white - cute - pointy nose, sitting in my windowsill. He's in between the glass and the screen. I notice him because I want to open the window and get some fresh air. He's sitting on his back quarters, front paws just up and bent - sniffing the air like they do. I decide not to open the window - but move in to look closer - where I see that there are sunflower seed casings in the sill with him - as if he ate them there. (There are no sunflowers in the Heaven - for the record)

I call XBF and make him come over to remove this critter. Instead of removing the mouce - he starts listening to my baseboards and tapping aloang the walls at certain spots. Every so often he will tell me "here's a home" - and punch the wall. When he does this, a perfect "cartoon" mouse hole - you know they look like cave openings in cartoons - will appear - and a family of mice, 2 adult size - one smaller, will stick their noses out. First a white group, then a dark brown group and finally a black one. This black one is alone - young and small looking with white tips on his ears.

This is when I wake up. Always the same dream. Always wake up at this point. Anybody have any thoughts on to the hidden "meaning"?

Drop me a note!


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