Weird But True

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Yes!!!! Thanks Danny!!!!!

Danny Wegmans that is - LOL!! Most of you don't know this local "hero" but his family created what is quite possibly one of the best grocery store chains around! Always in the Fortune 500 list of companies to work for - AND more importantly - somehow always able to provide great quality at reasonable prices.

Sure enough - I stopped in and somehow they had local veggies that were FRESH and affordable and YUMMY!!!! So while my Summer is fading fast, I have veggies for another week!

Steve's right - I am on the wrong coast. If I was on the West coast I could fresh veggies AND heat year round. Here.....well I'll keep my frozen veggies and free heat thanks! Better frozen veggies than frozen Michelle!

I'm on the final days of antibiotics now - YIPPEE!!!!!!! Clappy I was able to REALLY lift last weekend! MAN was I sore!!!! ALL parts had DOMS for 48 hours - NOICE!!!!!!

In fact - it felt so good - I'm heading off right now for a quick shoulder/tri session!!!! I'll be back to "normal" anyday now!!!!!!

Whatever "normal" might be around here - LOL!

“The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well.”

Joe Ancis


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