Weird But True

Friday, September 08, 2006

I feel an experiment coming on...........

For those of you that have "known" me for awhile now - you know that when I was blogging on body blog I was always "experimenting" with food.

Having watched "Supersize Me" - I was inspired to recreate his french fry experiment, and see just how long McDonald's fries could "survive" before they grew mold. It was WAY too long!!! "Frenchy" McFry and I became close "friends"

Then there was Pepperoni pizza.....and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts..........

I was watching yet another DVD tonight - I shold probably try socializing more, but anyway - and tonight's DVD was more about the water experiments I talked about in my last post.

Cate - his inspiration was snowflakes - how each one is unique. First he tried freezing plain water, then water from different springs, then exposed it too music, and the words came about as a way to see if it was the vibrations from the music that caused the change - or the "thoughts"....turns out it was the thoughts.

So once word got out about his experiments in Japan, people tried to recreate his experiments at home. But not everyone has pertrie dishes and microscopes, etc.

But leave it to an 11 year old boy with a science fair...........He thought he would try it with steamed rice. Controlled portion, portion wih a negative word taped to the front and a portion with "Thank You" taped to the front.

He also spoke the words that he taped to each portion "to" the rice every day - since rice is a solid, not a liquid like water he thought verbalizing the words would help them absorb the message.

Guess what - 30 days later the "plain" rice had a little mold, the "negative" rice turned BLACK and was a "stinky" mold according to the DVD and the "positive" rice........

Turned yellow and "smelled fermented - almost sweet"!!!!!!!!!

Are you kidding me?!!!!!!!

So I'm thinking it's about time I got a "roomie" here in Heaven....3 portions of steamed rice - coming up!!!!

There's a Japenese Steakhouse here in town...........only seems appropriate don't you think? Steaming my own rice.....well - I don't have a rice steamer - I microwave mine - that would kill any "natural energy" for sure.

There's Chinese takeout on every corner.........but what if the Chinese rice is different somehow?

But the steakhouse.........all of the "chefs" are of Japenese heritage - it's a requirement to cook there. It's one of those places that cook right before your eyes, chopping and flipping off at the doorway - even when you are waiting for a table - no have to ask for a table with chairs - otherwise you sit on rice matts........ only seems right that the rice come from


  • Sounds like an interesting experiment Michelle! Where do you get these DVDs!! I have seen Supersize Me, and I have not touched McDonalds ever since... too gross.

    Hope the thumb is better.

    Hilary xx

    By Blogger Miss Positive, at 12:57 AM  

  • Apart from the fact that I am seriously beginning to think you may need a look forward to seeing the photos of the experiment!!

    Oh - and your photos too - are they ready yet?? Huh?? Huh???


    By Blogger Cat, at 9:35 AM  

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