Weird But True

Monday, November 13, 2006


Every couple of months I get it in my head to try tuna - AGAIN!

WHY?! I do NOT like this stuff. Not even tuna steaks. Comes in a can like cat food, smells like cat food - sorry tuna lovers - it's true!!

But other folks eat it EVERY DAY. It's in all the fitness magazines. And my taste buds have definitely changed since I was a kid. I NEVER would have even IMAGINED I would eat broccoli or brussels sprouts by choice - yet now I LOVE Them!

So today was the day. I tried tuna - AGAIN! I don't like it - STILL. I finish it - as usual. And now - 4 hours later - after brushing my teeth 3 times and drinking seemingly gallons of water AND having an apple with cottage cheese as a snack - I CAN STILL TASTE IT!!!!

It's gross. PLEASE do NOT let me do this again. EVER!!!

Anyway - great cardio today! I really was drenched after my power walk. - go figure!! But when you use that heart rate monitor and the incline to push yourself - it CAN be a good workout!!!!!

Even more amazing is how quickly I recover! This is WAY COOL!!! I am one fit little girl!!!!

'cuse me - tuna.

So on my way out the door to meet XBF for gaming and dinner. Gotta pay those bills - LOL!

Wish all the bills were this fun to pay!!


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