Weird But True

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cookies anyone?

It's that time of year again - the time of year Heaven can be a little less pleasant. With my heat included in my rent - the nice folks here decide when we'll have access to some warmth. We get to chose the temp of course - but they turn off the boiler from May 1 to October 1.

Today is unseasonably cold - 50 and rain ALL day - and the low tonight is supposed to be in the low to mid 30's. Usually don't see this weather until November. In November - I have heat - so while the weather is still not pleasant - at least I am warm and dry.

Now I sit here in sweats - sipping tea I don't really want but somehow need. It was damp and chilly when I came home from work - and I had plenty of leftovers in the fridge - but I needed some heat - took a shower but that only lasts so long.....

SO I made some cookies - that I don't/won't eat. Didn't even lick a spoon. Couldn't care less - just wanted to knock the chill off.

What will I make tomorrow.........

If it's cold 3 days in a row we get heat - the current pattern is 2 freezing - one almost warm 4th normal. This doesn;t get us heat.

Ah well - at least I'll have happy friends and family members:)


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