Weird But True

Friday, May 12, 2006

Ask and you shall receive...

So yesterday was veggie day - today I had to stop off and get some more chicken and fish after the gym. Gotta have something to go with all of those veggies! The chicken is on sale until tomorrow, and everyone knows that fish is the freshest on Friday - so......I stopped.

I was thinking that I'd make up some ground chicken patties this weekend to keep as a "staple" for the next couple of days. I haven't had those in a while - it sounded like a good idea. I like to put some radishes and onions in the food processor - chop them up real small - and mix it in with the chicken, egg whites and seasonings before I make my patties.

This seemed like a perfect idea! I could use my new blender/food processor! I have plenty of veggies! I know the patties are good with sweet potatos, radishes, onions, but why not try mushrooms and zucchini too?! I definitely have enough to experiment with! Eggs are on sale 18 for only 99cents! Chicken is on sale too! Perfect plan!

But wait......why is the boneless/skinless chicken breast only $1.79lb. and the ground chicken is $4.29/lb? How could this be?

So I ask the guy behind the service meat counter - "do you charge extra to custom cut the meat if I buy it from the store?"

"Nope. We custom cut. What would you like?"
"Would you grind this chicken up for me? Turn it in to "burger" meat please"
"Sure - give me 5 minutes"

And just like that - ground chicken - for $1.79/lb. Why hadn't I thought of this before.......

So tonight after I train back and tri's it will be the great American cook off part one!

Little update on the Heaven situation... they were true to their word! On Tuesday when I came home from work there were no lots, no roads, just dirt and a lot of "slow" signs.

Friday - I am parked back in my lot, road restored. All is well.

In fact - it's pretty close to perfect!

Until Later.....


“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”
Frederick Keonig


  • Hi Michelle
    This is Kimmy from Bodyblog. Just thought I would say hi.
    I have added you to my list so that i can easily check in on you.
    Love you positive attitude so will be popping in to get inspired from you.

    Live with Passion

    By Blogger Kimmy, at 8:12 AM  

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