Weird But True

Monday, May 15, 2006

Storm Clouds..

Are moving in as I type. Oh well, it can't always be sunny.

I actually enjoy a really good storm once in awhile - I don't think this one will qualify for the really good status though. Just a normal one.

Still - when the weather is like this I could really go for a scary movie. But unfortunately my Netflix subscription sent the scary movies over Easter weekend - when Spring was in the air, and today I have Trailer Park Boys - which is a Canadian sitcom I am addicted too. And I've been waiting quite some time for my next disc to become available, so I'm not that disappointed.

And if I truly wanted the horror flick I could always drive to the video store - so obviously I don't want it that badly.

Just like the weather - not all workouts can be great. Today was chest and bi's. It was an effort just to finish - in fact I actually had to go lighter on incline benchShock

It certainly didn't help there was NO music to lift too - you HAVE to have music to train. Simply have to. And since I was fortunate to have a training partner/spotter - I didn't want to be rude and blast myself with my Mp3.

At least it's in. And cardio was first thing this morning - with the tunes, and the monitor, and a computer that simply held a ton of good news still fresh in my mind - so cardio ROCKED!

In the spirit of the rain - here's something I bet you didn't know.....

Did you know...
A duck can NOT walk without bobbing it's head!


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