Weird But True

Sunday, May 21, 2006

What I'm reading...

This is the book I'm devouring at the moment, "What to Eat by Marion Nestle".

I've only just begun to uncover all that it has to offer, up to page 120, but so far it is packed with valuable knowledge to any American that has ever been in agrocery store, watched the evening news, or been "persuaded" by the results from the "latest" study on nutrition.

Pretty much - all of us.

One thing I read this morning while I was tearing up the treadmill on my power walk - I LOVE that heart rate monitor - these 60 minutes walks have been taken to a whole new level! And yes - phlem man was there again - what is wrong with this guy anyway?!Sickened

ANYWAY - one thing I read that I wanted to share was that the top three vegetables as consumed by the American Public are, in no particular order...

1. French Fries
2. Lettuce
3. Potato Chips

Yeah - I don't know about you guys - but lettuce is the only one close to a vegetable on that list. I say close because I can only assume that they are referring to iceberg lettuce which really has little nutritional value.

And if I remember correctly, didn't the Leader of my Nation say at one point that ketchup was a vegetable?

And the FDA considers 1/2cup a serving of vegetables. And they rec. 5 of these servings per day. Yet most Americans struggle to consume 2 servings. Which I guess is why they are "bending the rules" to count french fries and potato chips.

And based on the FDA definition of a serving size - I may have just ate my whole days worth of veggies for breakfeast. It must have close.

So Jodie at least your host familes were representative of "true" Americans. They also say that the average family eats 40% of their meals outside of their homes.

And I bet we're not all carrying around coolers and black bags.

On a happy note, thank you all so very much for your warm, postive comments about my "meeting" yesterday. When I shared that story with my friends, family and coworkers they politely listed - but they seemed confused as to why I would offer my cell phone number. They couldn't see this woman's true inner beauty and strength - and their response left me feeling a bit foolish.

I knew this group would see her as the gift she truly is!Blow Kiss

“Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live.”


  • Random acts of kindness - wish more people would involve themselves in this. I think what you did was admirable and very sweet!
    I enjoy reading your posts! Thanks!

    By Blogger Jehanne, at 1:40 AM  

  • I just ready your post from Saturday, what an inspiring woman! It takes a special person to take such experiences and turn them into positives.

    And I dont think Australia is too far behind America in terms of bad eating. Luckily we are the 'converted' and get to stock up on lovely fresh vegetables every day!

    By Blogger Miss Positive, at 6:35 AM  

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