Weird But True

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I am SO excited!!!

Way Too HappyFIRST I saw some bright yellow thing in the sky today. I didn't recognize it at first - but I checked my reference manuals and sure enough - it was THE SUN!!!

So it got all the way up to 68F outside and INSIDE today!!! YIPPEE!!!! It was so chilly in the apartment that my towels weren't drying after my showers - not good!

THEN I received an email from my Dad's Sister - in - Law, my Aunt. (It's so cute that these folks in their 60's and 70's are emailing meWinky 2) ANYWAY - she was doing some spring cleaning/organizing and came across my Dad's Mother's recipe collection..

Not the Betty Crocker cookbook kind of things, the stuff legends are made of. Hand written on scraps of paper that are fragile from years of use. Recipes that make Dad say things like "my Mother was the only one who could ever make "_____"" We thought they had died with her.

I don't remember ever tasting these "legends". She lived on the West Coast - we are on the East. I only saw her a couple of times in my life. But I've heard the stories.

Apparently she didn't even use "normal" measuring spoons or cups. There is an actual coffee cup that is the "cup" in her recipes. A "spoon" that is the teaspoon. And my Aunt found these, with the recipes, in a box that time forgot.

And she has shipped them to me!!!! So while I probably won't be able to recreate the chocolate cake from his childhood on Father's Day - his birthday is in August. A birthday he won't soon forget!

On the high from such a good day - I trained legs after work. They already hurt - in the "damn that was a good workout" kinda way. Trained with the tunes on again tonight - no t.p. so tunes it was. I'm really starting to like listening to my tunes while I train. I'll have to get t.p. on board with the idea.

Speaking of showers and towels - I hear mine calling. So until tomorrow.......Soaking


  • What a fantastic find!! You cant beat some of those old recipes, I'm forever lamenting that I cant make a lamb stew like my mum does (and she doesn't even use a recipe - its just one of those special "mum" touches!)

    Hope you're enjoying that mustard... I havent had any in TWO weeks! lol!

    Hilary xx

    By Blogger Miss Positive, at 4:20 AM  

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