Weird But True

Monday, February 12, 2007

"Q" - Quicky.....

Today's post will have to be just a

"Q" - Quicky as I am in a bit of a

"Q" - Quagmire as to what to babble on about that starts with the letter

"Q" - LOL!
This weekend I was

"Q" - Questioning who's
"Q" - Que list the good folks at Netflix were using to decide what to send me - my GAWD - the two movies they sent me to "enjoy" were simply NOT FOR ME!

Luckily I was so drained from all of my training that I couldn't have cared less - and simply went to bed. I slept for 10 hours last night - which is pretty HUGE for me. It was so nice and

"Q" - Quiet:)

Still a little sore this morning - and dragging a bit. That plyo leg training KILLS me! I'm beginning to wonder if doing a plyo class before work on Friday morning is the smartest thing for me to do......... I barely have a brain cell left after my current program - never mind the energy/patience to be polite and understanding! I don't want the patients at work

"Q" - Questioning if I am
"Q" - Qualified to be waiting on them! They'll think I am a bit of a
"Q" - Quak!

The LAST thing I need is stress at work right now!

Before I head out to find my car - AGAIN I leave you with a

"Q" - Quote:)

The .....
"Q" - Quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.

Erich Fromm


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