The weather that moved here last week was simply that...
"U" - Unbelievable! Also unbelievable is that someone would actually try to DRIVE with that much snow still on top on their car!!! The first pic is the view I had from my driver's seat on my way to work Friday. Idiot. He had close to 18 inches of snow on his roof - and how about those clear blue skies - LOL!
The second pic is what happens when you go out of town for a couple of days while we are getting POUNDED! G'ma was out of town during all of this - so Dad and I had to locate her car for her. It was COMPLETELY covered in snow, all sides - couldn't even tell there was a car in there!!! This was after two days. We had to return and do it again 2 days later. She is now home - and on her own:) Can't go without mentioning that she was in Florida - visiting my....
"U" - Uncle:)
However there were some folks in Ohio I think who got hit with ice and snow - and their cars are frozen to the street! Completely encased in ice. Folks on the news said that local authorities can't figure out what to do - expect wait for warmer weather! Can you imagine!
I ...
"U" - Understand it's winter - and I live in the North East - but enough is enough! And it's far from over.
More ...
"U" - UNBELIEVABLE training sessions this weekend! I am full on exhausted at this point - and as such taking a day of rest - no cardio, no shoveling, no training.......Ahhhhhhhhh. I did take the time to create an
"U" - Updated program for myself. It's been 6 weeks - so it's time. I'm itching to push some steel. My program prior to this one was tempo training - which involves light weights. Then this last one was the plyo stuff - I feel great - look pretty good if I do say so myself - but enough already...I NEED IRON - LOL! The PB's I've had this past week with my
"U" - Upper body strength have got me curious to see just what these legs can do now. But I don't want to
"U" - Undo all of my hard works - so I've asked Sue to check it over for me - I'll take all the advice I can get leading up to these pics!!!!
For some more
"U" - Unbelievable stuff - check out these two links below. The first points out the unbelievable things in movies now a days.....
And the next is actually the
"U" - USDA guidelines for acceptable foreign items in my food!!!! Things like bugs, rodent hair, dirt, etc! I could've lived without this site - but if I must be grossed out and a bit nervous - why not share this feeling with everyone?
oh my gosh check out that snow, thats unbelievable.. well tis to me. countdown to the pics.
By jodie, at 3:43 PM
Wow you guys sure are copping a beating with that snow! Well at least you're on the downhill slide now, not too long til spring!
Have fun with your updated programme!
Hilary xx
By Miss Positive, at 4:48 PM
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