Weird But True

Monday, February 19, 2007


The weather that moved here last week was simply that...

"U" - Unbelievable! Also unbelievable is that someone would actually try to DRIVE with that much snow still on top on their car!!! The first pic is the view I had from my driver's seat on my way to work Friday. Idiot. He had close to 18 inches of snow on his roof - and how about those clear blue skies - LOL!

The second pic is what happens when you go out of town for a couple of days while we are getting POUNDED! G'ma was out of town during all of this - so Dad and I had to locate her car for her. It was COMPLETELY covered in snow, all sides - couldn't even tell there was a car in there!!! This was after two days. We had to return and do it again 2 days later. She is now home - and on her own:) Can't go without mentioning that she was in Florida - visiting my....

"U" - Uncle:)

However there were some folks in Ohio I think who got hit with ice and snow - and their cars are frozen to the street! Completely encased in ice. Folks on the news said that local authorities can't figure out what to do - expect wait for warmer weather! Can you imagine!

I ...

"U" - Understand it's winter - and I live in the North East - but enough is enough! And it's far from over.

More ...

"U" - UNBELIEVABLE training sessions this weekend! I am full on exhausted at this point - and as such taking a day of rest - no cardio, no shoveling, no training.......Ahhhhhhhhh. I did take the time to create an

"U" - Updated program for myself. It's been 6 weeks - so it's time. I'm itching to push some steel. My program prior to this one was tempo training - which involves light weights. Then this last one was the plyo stuff - I feel great - look pretty good if I do say so myself - but enough already...I NEED IRON - LOL! The PB's I've had this past week with my

"U" - Upper body strength have got me curious to see just what these legs can do now. But I don't want to

"U" - Undo all of my hard works - so I've asked Sue to check it over for me - I'll take all the advice I can get leading up to these pics!!!!

For some more

"U" - Unbelievable stuff - check out these two links below. The first points out the unbelievable things in movies now a days.....

And the next is actually the

"U" - USDA guidelines for acceptable foreign items in my food!!!! Things like bugs, rodent hair, dirt, etc! I could've lived without this site - but if I must be grossed out and a bit nervous - why not share this feeling with everyone?


  • oh my gosh check out that snow, thats unbelievable.. well tis to me. countdown to the pics.

    By Blogger jodie, at 3:43 PM  

  • Wow you guys sure are copping a beating with that snow! Well at least you're on the downhill slide now, not too long til spring!

    Have fun with your updated programme!

    Hilary xx

    By Blogger Miss Positive, at 4:48 PM  

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