Thinking back I think the better title might be "Grrrrrr - Part II" = LOL!
Few things make me truly cranky...........interrupting me when I am "in the zone" is definitely one of them!
And now I sit here - when I should be exhausted and anxiously awaiting sleepy time - fully aware of one other reason.......
And the light bulb just went "ON" - so to speak - that his second reason also takes me away from training/sweating/getting dirty/challenging myself.having fun.........
And that is some inexplicable skin rash!!!!!! I first noticed it about 1 week ago.,......took some Bendaryil - it became bearable - blamed it on allergies....and went about my business:)
Nope - not to be:( sadly it has since spread - a LOT! I am now MAD with itching....and doing WAAAYYYY too much laundry! Don't want to recontaminate myself - so everything I touch - I wash..........
B .S.! Let me tell you!
Still thought it was getting better - but washed my face after work/before the gym only to find a TOTALLY red surface - complete with blisters and peeling - looking back from the mirror.
U N C L E!
So I since it is Saturday and my Dr. is closed I sat in the waiting area of "Urgent Care" - for 2 hours waiting - not so patiently - to be called.........
Thank GAAWD all my "parts" were still attached - LOL!
However I left with 3 scripts in hand - straight to the pharmacy - 24/7 - THANK GAWD - and now await relief.........
Phew! Getting less itchy by the minute:) Dr says no cardio tomorrow - but I can lift. Perfect - legs were planned:) And that will lead to a mandatory "rest" day on Monday - so at least the "timing" is good.......
If only it would stop itching and I could get a good night's rest..........
Few things make me truly cranky...........interrupting me when I am "in the zone" is definitely one of them!
And now I sit here - when I should be exhausted and anxiously awaiting sleepy time - fully aware of one other reason.......
And the light bulb just went "ON" - so to speak - that his second reason also takes me away from training/sweating/getting dirty/challenging myself.having fun.........
And that is some inexplicable skin rash!!!!!! I first noticed it about 1 week ago.,......took some Bendaryil - it became bearable - blamed it on allergies....and went about my business:)
Nope - not to be:( sadly it has since spread - a LOT! I am now MAD with itching....and doing WAAAYYYY too much laundry! Don't want to recontaminate myself - so everything I touch - I wash..........
B .S.! Let me tell you!
Still thought it was getting better - but washed my face after work/before the gym only to find a TOTALLY red surface - complete with blisters and peeling - looking back from the mirror.
U N C L E!
So I since it is Saturday and my Dr. is closed I sat in the waiting area of "Urgent Care" - for 2 hours waiting - not so patiently - to be called.........
Thank GAAWD all my "parts" were still attached - LOL!
However I left with 3 scripts in hand - straight to the pharmacy - 24/7 - THANK GAWD - and now await relief.........
Phew! Getting less itchy by the minute:) Dr says no cardio tomorrow - but I can lift. Perfect - legs were planned:) And that will lead to a mandatory "rest" day on Monday - so at least the "timing" is good.......
If only it would stop itching and I could get a good night's rest..........
Ouch Michelle that sounds very frustrating!!! Hope the itches ease up very soon... and hope you can figure out what caused it!!
Hilary xx
By Miss Positive, at 5:56 PM
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