Weird But True

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Thinking back I think the better title might be "Grrrrrr - Part II" = LOL!

Few things make me truly cranky...........interrupting me when I am "in the zone" is definitely one of them!

And now I sit here - when I should be exhausted and anxiously awaiting sleepy time - fully aware of one other reason.......

And the light bulb just went "ON" - so to speak - that his second reason also takes me away from training/sweating/getting dirty/challenging myself.having fun.........

And that is some inexplicable skin rash!!!!!! I first noticed it about 1 week ago.,......took some Bendaryil - it became bearable - blamed it on allergies....and went about my business:)

Nope - not to be:( sadly it has since spread - a LOT! I am now MAD with itching....and doing WAAAYYYY too much laundry! Don't want to recontaminate myself - so everything I touch - I wash..........

B .S.! Let me tell you!

Still thought it was getting better - but washed my face after work/before the gym only to find a TOTALLY red surface - complete with blisters and peeling - looking back from the mirror.

U N C L E!

So I since it is Saturday and my Dr. is closed I sat in the waiting area of "Urgent Care" - for 2 hours waiting - not so patiently - to be called.........

Thank GAAWD all my "parts" were still attached - LOL!

However I left with 3 scripts in hand - straight to the pharmacy - 24/7 - THANK GAWD - and now await relief.........

Phew! Getting less itchy by the minute:) Dr says no cardio tomorrow - but I can lift. Perfect - legs were planned:) And that will lead to a mandatory "rest" day on Monday - so at least the "timing" is good.......

If only it would stop itching and I could get a good night's rest..........


  • Ouch Michelle that sounds very frustrating!!! Hope the itches ease up very soon... and hope you can figure out what caused it!!

    Hilary xx

    By Blogger Miss Positive, at 5:56 PM  

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