Weird But True

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I am just not very good....

At being a girl!

It's a Holiday weekend here in and in the States Holidays mean 2 things - eating too much and GREAT sales!

I have no need to worry about the first one - I've got the eating thing "down cold" now! However since the training and eats ARE going so well for me - my clothes are getting a little baggy. If I have to buy new stuff - might as well try and save a couple of dollars in the process - right? Plus I still haven't hit 1,000 miles on my new car - and it's been 7 weeks now - so I need to drive! Windows down - tunes blastin' - life is good!

Then I got to the mall. Kerry, I was thinking of you ALL afternoon! I could NOT for the life of me find anything I liked/wanted/needed. Well, I can't say that - there was plenty that I liked - but I HATE trying things on, so I couldn't decide what size to buy! I know what I wear now, and I know they're too big. But a 2 at Gap and a 2 at Macy's and a 2 at Forever 21 are all REALLY different 2's!

So I left the mall with only Sue's "fix" and my new computer speakers, and came back to Heaven. I have work to do anyways, figured I'd get it done.

But it was sunny, the wind was blowing, and my pants were annoying me as I sat here. Off to mall 2! Under the pressure of the "clock" I purchased 1 pair of pants, 3 tank tops, and 2 shirts. Will they fit? Who knows - haven't tried them on yet.Googly Eyes

Speaking of decisions - maybe you guys can sway me on this one. When I moved out of the house in December I stopped taking "The Pill". I had been on it for .........a LONG time. And since I'm not "involved" with anyone right now I figured now was a perfect time to take a break from the hormones.

Since giving it up, I feel great! No withdrawal, no moodiness, no cravings, no bloat, no problems. Yet every month I go and get my perscription refilled. I now have 5 months worth in my kitchen cupboard. Why? Why do I keep paying my $5 copay and picking up these little guys to "store" them? When will I ever need 5 months worth?

Yet it's been 4 weeks - it's time to pick up the next batch - and I'm fighting the urge to do so.

Please - slap some sense into me. Please!

Until tomorrow this quote about sums it up!Nuts

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

Robert McCloskey


  • Michelle, I really hate trying things on too but I have to. Shopping isn't really fun is it. I think you have to be a natural shopper to do it well. I'd rather shop for kitchen gadgets than clothes. Shoes,yes, maybe, no definitely, but I avoid shoe shops. I always buy black shoes.

    How much smaller than 2 can you go?
    I bought a size 6 in the states once and I thought i would cleverly bring it home and brag. I wasn't game enough to tell people it was a 6 because it was way bigger than any 6 you might find here.
    Just stop paying for the pills. Think of the vegies you could have had instead with that money.

    By Blogger Kerry, at 7:31 PM  

  • Not to worry Kerry! As you learned first hand much like everything else here most sizes run big compared to other places. A size 2 really doesn't mean much - it's just another number.

    Our clothes will start at "00", then "0", "1", "2", etc.

    Which is why shopping is such a pain! Even 2 pairs of pants that are labelled the same size - if you hold them up together - are NOT the same.

    xo - Michelle

    By Blogger Michelle, at 6:28 AM  

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