Weird But True

Monday, July 24, 2006

I Hunger.......
Oh Yes - feeling MUCH better today!!!!
I went to bed last night at 9pm! And slept right through until 5:30 this morning! Well, there was the occasional trip to the restroom and then the fridge for more water - think I would see a pattern here - huh?

Rocked that cardio this morning - hit the Guantlet for some HIIT and then went back in the afternoon for an incline power walk!

Burn baby burn!!! My metabolism is rewarding me for my efforts - I'm in need of some more veggies in about 30 minutes - so let's keep those fingers busy!

The title is a dual purpose one today as well! After several unsuccessful attempts at advertising/listing my beloved Sinistar Video game - it is finally set to be adopted. I loved Sinistar as a teen - and when I was at the house with XBF we turned the downstairs into a full fun "bar". 4 full size video games, plus a counter top one! Draft line too! We were the house of fun!

But when we split it was time to sell off the "children" and recoup our investment. Galaga, Ms. Pac and Space Invaders all went quickly - they're more mainstream. Sinistar - few even know of him - so this placement has taken some time.

But the reserve has been met - with 6 days to go. So very soon - I will be saying "good bye" to a friendSmileyCentral.comNow that I look at the calendar, by the time funds are exchanged and delivery arranged - looks like I might be adding it to the picture day activities!

I tried to get the sound bite for Sinistar to work here - but I am not that technically inclined. So instead - I give you a link to a site with more Sinistar info and sounds than most will ever need to know:


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