Weird But True

Monday, July 31, 2006

I miss my blender.....

Sweaty Of all the weeks to have to give up my "ice cream"! We are smack dab in the middle of a heat wave - and I must confess I am one of the few who is LOVING it!!! We just don't get enough Summer in my parts - so I rarely complain about the heat.

HOWEVER - even I have my breaking points. Today was 9oF with a heat index of 98F - not too bad in my book. There was a breeze to keep things moving, little extra water, and I'm good to go! In fact - when it's this hot out food doesn't look good anyway, so hey - bring on the pics!

But tomorrow and Wednesday the actual temperature is predicted to be over 100F both days. And we had some HUGE summer storms this weekend - more flooding, so the humidity is high. The heat index is in the low 70's today - predicted to rise to the mid to upper 70's tomorrow. AND we're due for another HUGE storm tonight.

When the dew point is over 70 the humidity starts to approach that of a jungle. seriously - that's the scale they use. They're saying tomorrow may be close to a rain forest if tonight's storm actually occurs. The heat index - what the air will feel like tomorrow - is said to be near 115F! There's already a poor air quality alert for tomorrow!

So I'm wishing for a big blender full of Myolex Ice Cream - but instead I will have some grilled chicken and veggies. Lucky for me I train first thing in the morning anyway - so it's just a mild sacrifice - LOL! Since this is my biggest problem - it's easy to see I'm doing pretty well!

Stay cool everyone!

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal;nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."--Thomas Jefferson


  • Good idea going with the 'depletion' that you know works... dont want to risk anything with photos so close!

    Dont worry, I'll have your protein shakes while you cant...! :)~

    Hilary xx

    By Blogger Miss Positive, at 3:59 AM  

  • *phew* - sounds awful! Hope you have air-conditioning during the day.

    Will think of you whilst drinking my protein shake through chattering teeth in my freezing kitchen tomorrow morning :-)


    By Blogger Cat, at 6:28 AM  

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