Weird But True

Sunday, November 26, 2006

What the world needs.....

OMG - Sue - I MUST talk to you about this lifting technique!!! I simply can NOT remember the last time I was this sore. I trained triceps on Thursday and today - Sunday - is the first day I didn't have some DOMS when I was washing them in the shower!!!

Last night was legs with this method. And I am certain that I don't quite have the technique perfected just yet - but OMG - WOW! This mornings power walk was sheer torture! I've requested his book to further read up on this method. Once I have the technique mastered and an understanding of the "physics" I'll be sure to pass it on.

Which brings me to what the world know how they have those self "warming" face scrubs? Why can't someone invent a body scrub that does the same thing? My quads could really use that right now!

The other thing I could really use right now is my dog - a/c hog. Not in a "I miss the boy" way, but I seem to be a bit clumsy in the kitchen this morning...

Could've used some "clean up" patrol:)

Next training is back and bi's. Don't have an example of this technique on those body parts yet - so I think I will survive.

Speaking of surviving......I must confess that I have been avoiding family contact for a couple of days. I will have to at least call them this afternoon. Ugghh - have to brace myself now.

Tomorrow I have another Dr.'s appt. While not directly related to the thumb I can't help but think they are connected. My system was under attack pretty good that month and now.......

Let's just say I know my body - and something's not right just yet.

Anyway - after breakfast I now need to mop the floor in the kitchen - so I best be off!

"The only time results come before struggles are in the dictionary!"


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