Weird But True

Monday, October 29, 2007


Good news was heard all around this week!!

The rash is all but gone - and now I begin to taper off of the roids. Once I am off of them for one full week - I return to the Dr. so he can retest my allergies and see where we go from here. He thinks that many of the "new" ones will no longer be triggers and I'll be able to SLOWLY start to reintroduce things/food. YEAH!!!!!

I was able to wear my hair down out of a pony tail for the first time in 6 weeks! I no longer have to wash and dry my hair twice a day - thank goodness - this was time consuming! I still shower twice a day - but this is usually by choice:)

I had my glass survived! I had a bubble bath too! First one since APRIL!!! WOW!!!!

Another serious health scare turned out to be just that - a scare! Never underestimate piece of mind - that's for sure!!!

I ate in a restaurant by myself for the very first time ever!!! Still very technical ordering - but baby steps!

And another great week in the gym - NICE!!!

Now I must run to catch a movie - alone again! I am really enjoying this whole new found level of independence!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

It wouldn't be Monday...

If I didn't have a Dr.'s appointment - or 12!!!

O.K. - 12 is a slight exaggeration - today was only 3 - but my gosh I was a running all over town seemingly just trying to keep up!

I've been probed, scraped and squished. And now I wait for results.

On the rash front things continue to get better daily. He hinted that at next week's visit we may be be discussing how to "rebuild" my tolerance a bit - YIPPEE!!

The other tests - I'm not ready to reveal on the internet just yet - let's see what they find.

But regardless - the weather here was beautiful! My food is prepped for the week. My veggies have been washed and sliced/diced - ready to go - and I even had a chance to break out the canner to keep summer around a bit longer. Oh - and my laundry is FINALLY caught up - wow - that was months in the making - changing your bed sheets every other day sure does create a pile!
And now I am off for shower # 3 of the day - did I mention it was another great week for training? Skin is finally clearing - look out world - there is a lean, mean, strong machine ready to emerge here:)

Have a great week!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Not EXACTLY as good...

As I was hoping for:( He kept me on the same dosage of steroids for another week. I was hoping he would start to taper them off. No such luck.

Not that this came as a total shock - I still don't feel "clean" 10 min after showering - so I know it's still coming out - so to speak.

But a girl can hope - can't she?

Yet - this weekend was still GREAT and full of firsts again! First dinner out - was PERFECT and DELICIOUS! Ordered VERY technically - sure - but arrived as ordered with no issues - YIPPEE!!!

AND washed with soap WITH scent - HOORRAY!!

AND moisturized!

But my hair is still tied up off of my beck for at least another week - oh well - I do kinda like the convenience of this! ANd even less make up than usual is also a time saver!


So of course I am VERY sore today.

Today was supposed to be pamper Michelle day - lunch out - draft beer - mani/pedi/movie/shopping......

But is was also supposed to be sunny - and it is not. So between the clouds and my mood - this special day has been put on hold.

But that's o.kl - since I bought WAY too much at the Farmer's market and was trying to force myself to can some of it......

and now it is cooling on the counter! SO veggies did not go waste - YEAH!

So things are still going well - just as usual - a bit slower than I would like.

But so long as each day is a little bit better than the last - it's all good!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A week in review....

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and well wishes guys - definitely seeing continued improvements day by day. The BEST part of each day is waking up - and seeing just how much better I look and feel from the night before!
I assure everyone that we exhausted every possible test and remedy, old wives tale and strange bit of luck before we - meaning my Dr.'s and I - finally found something that is working. But it's all worth it - as the end is in sight!

Monday I got to shave my legs - TMI I know - but it's been over 4 weeks since they were totally rash free!

Tuesday was first day with grown up soap! Sure - still unscented/hypoallergenic- but I was using stuff for newborns for close to 2 months - and some days THAT was too abrasive!

Wednesday - first day back in a bra - look out world- LOL! 7 weeks on this one!

Thursday - *sigh* - "uneventful:(

Friday - no anti itch lotion on legs!!!! Second shaving! Considering soaking in a hot tub soon.......

Saturday - grown up soap - with scent - HOORRAAYY!!!!

Sunday SIMPLE dinner with G'ma and Dad in a restaurant. VERY specific food prep instructions coming - no need to worry! First time eating out since September 1!!!!

And Monday will be the next follow up - I'll let you know how it goes.

Funny how I wanted a glass of wine so bad - was planning on it for Saturday - but now that Saturday is here......

What's 2 more days:)

Monday, October 08, 2007

So - what IS it........

I went to the doc. on Friday - and I'm really encouraged by what he tells me!

He says that the odd of any further food allergies showing are slim to none - and that we will deal with any of those AFTER we take care of what IS going on.

He says that I have an auto sensitization reaction resulting from a contact dermatitis that was never fully removed/resolved back in April of this year. Ever since April I can't remember one time that I did not have some type of itchy scratchy patch SOME where on me - whether it be my head, ears, neck, hands, leg etc.

Apparently what happens is this response becomes part of the protein structure of the cells itself. And since my body has been fighting this unsuccessfully on it's own for so long - even teenie tiny allergens will trigger a full blown response - aka pollen, artificial sweetener, dairy etc.

I don't have a lot of these things on a daily basis normally - so under normal sit. my body will eventually be able to tolerate most of this again. I won't have to read EVERY box label to look for butter fat, non fat milk powder etc.

Will I be having a double scoop of death by chocolate ice cream topped with whipped cream and reese peanut butter cups anytime soon - no.

Should I continue to live as I am for right now - mostly.

I can stop tracking every single ounce and play purchased that goes into my mouth. He says I can feel free to eat out and have a glass of wine now - without fear that my chicken was grilled in butter - or that a mushroom touched my broccoli.

He put me back on oral steroids to help my body deal with the last of this nonsense. I go back in 10 days. Assuming that things go as he thinks they will - then we can start work on rebuilding my tolerance. If it's not COMPLETELY gone - then I continue as I am until it is - then I work on rebuilding.

So I'm not changing anything for 10 days - or until October 15. I'm still going to eat my own food. I'm avoiding packaged foods, new veggies, and known triggers. I'm staying away from cats/dogs/etc. Every morning I wake up looking better and better - so why risk it now? Better safe than sorry.

What I WILL do is stop recording every minute detail of my life. And I will indulge in just one glass of wine in a few more days - once I am closer to the 15th and looking better.

And I hope to wear a bra or SHAVE in the next couple of days - LOL! Such simple pleasures!!!!!

But overall - it looks like the end is in sight - HORRAY!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Counting down.....

Anxiously counting down the days until Friday when I get to see the allergy specialist for the first time. This rash is still hanging on - and my list of "approved" foods and activities seems to get shorter all the time. I am keeping a journal though - literally weighing every ounce of broccoli that I eat and recording it - along with any physical "signs" that we might be able to work with. I figure the more information I can bring with me - the better. Let's just figure out what is causing this - so I can make the necessary changes - and get back to having fun:)

Aside from this ridiculous rash I feel GREAT!!!!! Eliminate something your body sees as a toxin - and WOW! Talk about running on all eight cylinders! I continue to get stronger - clear head - faster - plenty of energy - sleep soundly....if only I would become spot free!

Have to be careful about EVERYTHING! Mushrooms are a trigger - or appear to be, ALL dairy products and things associated with them, whey, butter, butter fats, powdered milk etc. as is all types of artificial sweeteners. Pretty much eliminates all things in a box, bag or wrapper. Even all bran has aspartame in it!

But I love the farmer's market! And giving my $$ straight to the folks that grow it. I am even buying my eggs there now - yummy!!!

I have not drank any alcohol or ate out in over a month now - this is what I miss. A nice glass of wine and someone else to grill my fish or chicken sounds FABULOUS right now. Hopefully next week I'll have the clearance........and the confidence to eat someone else's food. Right now I take no chances. I just want to get to Friday. So I cook everything myself. And drinking only water and green tea that I brew.

I had a couple of "firsts" recently. Tired of sitting around waiting for friends to get their acts together I went to the movies - ALONE! And I was the ONLY PERSON IN THE THEATER! Never did this before - I was always a bit scared or ashamed somehow but guess what - I LOVE IT!!!! So much so I've already gone back for a second movie - ALONE! And again I was the only person there - YIPPEE!!!!

I also went on a brief "road trip" - ALONE. Drove an hour - toured a museum art show I wanted to see - and returned. YIPPEE!!!!!!

As soon as I am "cleared" - I will dine out at a fancy restaurant - ALONE! And indulge myself in the yummy wine and fish I so deparately crave!

I can't wait!