Weird But True

Monday, October 30, 2006

I am in SHOCK!!!!!!!

At least it's not just Americans that have LOST THEIR MINDS!!!!!

The family in the picture is the woman who found this listed online - she did NOT buy it - she brought it to the media's attention.
Check out this story that was reported on my favorite radio show this morning:

Tesco condemned for selling pole dancing toy
by COLIN FERNANDEZ Last updated at 23:13pm on 24th October 2006

Tesco has been forced to remove a pole-dancing kit from the toys and games section of its website after it was accused of "destroying children's innocence".
The Tesco Direct site advertises the kit with the words, "Unleash the sex kitten inside...simply extend the Peekaboo pole inside the tube, slip on the sexy tunes and away you go!
"Soon you'll be flaunting it to the world and earning a fortune in Peekaboo Dance Dollars".

The £49.97 kit comprises a chrome pole extendible to 8ft 6ins, a 'sexy dance garter' and a DVD demonstrating suggestive dance moves.

The story goes on to say:
Also on sale on the Tesco website is a strip poker game, "Peekaboo Poker" which is illustrated by a picture of a reclining woman in underwear.
In recent years Asda was forced to remove from sale pink and black lace lingerie, including a push-up bra to girls as young as nine.
Next had to remove t-shirts on sale for girls as young as six with the slogan "so many boys, so little time."
And BHS and others came under fire for selling padded bras embellished with a "Little Miss Naughty" logo and t-shirts with a Playboy-style bunny that said "I love boys...They are stupid."

For the complete article - click on this link:

Sunday, October 29, 2006

SO disgusting I have to post this........

You guys remeber my deep fried oreos blog - right? How about that disgusting "Luther" burger - the one served in between 2 Krispy Kreme Dounghnuts instead of a bun?

Well - leave it to Americans to find YET ANOTHER completely disgusting State Fair "delicacy"........

Abel Gonzales, 36, a computer analyst from Dallas, tried about 15 different varieties before coming up with his perfect recipe -- a batter mix made with Coca-Cola syrup, a drizzle of strawberry syrup, and some strawberries.
Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnuts which are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamon sugar and a cherry on the top.
"It tastes great," said Sue Gooding, a spokeswoman for the State Fair of Texas where Gonzales' fried Coke made its debut this fall. "It was a huge success."
Gonzales ran two stands at the State Fair of Texas and sold up to 35,000 fried Cokes over 24 days for $4.50 each -- and won a prize for coming up with "most creative" new fair food.

He went on to add that he's working on a "diet coke" version - for those that are watching their weight!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Disappointing news.......

There will be no new pics. At least not anytime soon. I received some very unsettling news today at the "real" job - there will be cutbacks in my store. My position is safe, but some folks that I work with.........

Their future is not so certain right now.

After learning this I had to do some serious thinking. Do I really need to be "wasting" money on my own personal indulgence? I'm not in a competition. I have a new pic for Sue's site from the last shoot, this was going to be a more artistic shoot, pretty much just fufilling a "dream".

I wouldn't even need copies really. No one special in my life right now. Not like I would have my "muscle collage" printed on Holiday cards for family and friends. Just for me - to document this stage in my life.

The sitting itself is affordable. But when you add in the cost of the posing DVD, props, hair, nails, body scrubs, spray tan
, travel and gallons of distilled water.........

Not to mention the Holidays are approaching. And I'm the "last of the line" - so I'm expected to host the dinners, and of course there's gifts for family and friends to consider........

And I just spent the last 35 days "investing" in Dr.'s visits. Sure I have insurance - but all those copays add up! I was going to the Dr. every other day!!!! And all the refills on the various meds!

My session seems to be low on the list of priorites. Perhaps in the spring. But right now I feel like I need to concentrate on building a better "safety net" - just in case.

So yes - I'm a little disappointed - but I'm a planner. And I plan for the worst and hope for the best.

And how will I deal with today's disappointing news........

Why I'm off to train of course!!!!!! Nothing like a good sweat and some serious DOMS to make me happy!!!!!!

Anyone translate dreams?

Oh sure - I could Google the definition of this one, but it's really more fun - and interesting to just ask you guys! I've had this dream at least 3 times in the past 10 days.....frankly I blame the cold medicine - but maybe there is some hidden meaning........I only hope it's a "good" dream..........Here it goes:

It's about mice. Yup - mice. I, hopefully, don't have any mice here in Heaven - at least none that I know about. But my Dad has caught a couple in his garage recently, and a coworker has them in her kitchen - she's caught over 6 lately - YUCK!!! It's Fall - so I suppose they too want to come indoors where it is long as it's not on my "cloud"...

ANYWAYS - my dream.. I see a mouse, brown and white - cute - pointy nose, sitting in my windowsill. He's in between the glass and the screen. I notice him because I want to open the window and get some fresh air. He's sitting on his back quarters, front paws just up and bent - sniffing the air like they do. I decide not to open the window - but move in to look closer - where I see that there are sunflower seed casings in the sill with him - as if he ate them there. (There are no sunflowers in the Heaven - for the record)

I call XBF and make him come over to remove this critter. Instead of removing the mouce - he starts listening to my baseboards and tapping aloang the walls at certain spots. Every so often he will tell me "here's a home" - and punch the wall. When he does this, a perfect "cartoon" mouse hole - you know they look like cave openings in cartoons - will appear - and a family of mice, 2 adult size - one smaller, will stick their noses out. First a white group, then a dark brown group and finally a black one. This black one is alone - young and small looking with white tips on his ears.

This is when I wake up. Always the same dream. Always wake up at this point. Anybody have any thoughts on to the hidden "meaning"?

Drop me a note!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I can NOT believe it's been a week since I said "hi" to everyone! Where IS the time going? Although if there is a season that can fly by it's fall, o.k. actually I'd prefer winter to fly by. ANd since it's been 36F and RAIN here for 4 days now.........

It's like winter already arrived!

Obviously I've been a bit busy, the "real" job is going through some changes....none of which are good. But it's in responseto the local economy, which is also not so good these days. And since my family stays here - I'm stuck for a bit longer. At least with this company I have seniority - always a "plus". So the day job has been very stressful and demanding - never plesant.

Hubert has given me one final parting gift.......a weakened immune system! I haven't had a cold in 2 years!!!!! Asthma attack, sure, allergies - O.K., E- coli - not pleasant but unable to control, and after Hubert I catch the VERY first cold to be delivered to the eye place - and it's kicking my butt!!!!!!!

With a little over 3 weeks to go until my next pics - I am not pleased! It's to be expected - my immune system was under attack for over a month, and I was sleeping poorly due to the antibiotics and stomach discomfort - not to mention the stress at work. So lots of supplements right now, lots of fluids, lots of sleeping. Must get healthy!!!

I haven't opened my figure posing DVD yet - not feeling very sexy with my glowing nose and runny eyes. That's on this weekend's "must do" list!

If I don't kick this thing soon I may have to push the next pic session back a couple of weeks. Right now it's the Monday before Thanksgiving - but if it has to be after Turkey day - so be it. I'm cooking so everything served will be healthy, and I'm not one to stuff myself. Although a little wine certainly makes the family more "tolerable" - LOL!!

Speaking of family...I've been putting in a lot of time over at Dad's shop helping him prep wood for all of his Holiday orders. I had to take a one month leave of absence due to Hubert - which left Dad running a bit behind in his orders. I've also been helping Dad "learn" how to eat better and make smarter choices. He's not a small man - defineitly needs to make better choices - and so far he's been "on the wagon" for 3 weeks! YIPPEE!!!!!!

Other than that - all is well here!!! Still training - though no records being broke. Little weak thanks to the sniffles - but I'm still at it!!!! And lots of healthy soups are being brewed!!!!

Hope all is well with you guys!!!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Where HAS the time gone? This week has simply FLOWN right by me!!!

Today was my FAVORITE cardio session - the HIIT followed by lunges on the incline treadmill - my gosh I DO love this feeling!!!! And what a metabolism boost! I am simply STARVING all day! Which I think is GREAT - since my "reshoot" is officially booked for November 20th!

I am VERY excited to do the next shoot!! I decide to stick with this photographer - since I am so comfortable with them, and they are SO open to suggestions. We'll all just have to patient for the "results" that's all. I broke down and bought an official Figure Posing DVD - which came in today's mail, so I'll have to work on more effective poses over the next 4 weeks.

XBF will be my "driver" again. I was so excited/nervous/starving last time - and the photographer is 45 min away - so I thought it best not to drive myself. I'll make sure we bring a camera so we at least have a sneak "preview" this time around.

I had to laugh at the comments about my new favorite cardio session! I must confess - while it IS my favorite - I can only do it on Wednesdays, exactly 5 days after my leg session and 2 days prior to the NEXT leg lifting session. I tried to do an "extra" one last week - appparently I wasn't fully recovered - since I was unable/unwilling to finish. But it's a great midweek boost - literally - LOL!!!!

Kerry - in response to your BEAUTIFUL picture and story - I tried some fennel this week. I LOVE licorice - and this is a veggie that tastes like licorice - who knew?! I can NOT believe I waited this long to discover it!!!! I put some in my salad - of course - but I can't wait to try it cooked. If you have some recipes - please drop me a note - at the very least I'm thinking it will be tasty in some stew this weekend - since it's now officially cold and dreary here, aka FALL.

And Carolyn - you're crackin' me up with your "kettle mission" - LOL!!! I feel the need to share with the world that it takes you 4 WHOLE minutes to heat your water to make tea - as compared to my 90sec:) In 4 minutes I can make and consume a cup of hot tea:) I should mention that I've seen kettles at stores, but they're the type that you heat on the stove - none that you plug in and turn on. And I've asked around at work, patients too, and not a one uses a tea kettle to make tea. A few folks "collect" tea pots, some put flowers in them - but nobody around me has the "patience" for water to boil this way. Not even the senior citizens - LOL!

Steve - tonight I watched "Over the Hedge" - I thought of you!!!!! The little critters made me think of Brian and our BB days, and chosing a nice "furry" movie over a seasonal horror flick......... know:)

One last guys might remember Yank - my gym "buddy" who lost over 150lbs and ran in 2 marathons - when I have not, and probably never will, run in one. He's been M.I.A. for sometime now. I thought he was having his extra "skin" removed, but my poor buddy somehow broke his collar bone at work. I am happy to report that he returned to the gym this morning and after having 6 weeks with NO training, he only gained a couple of pounds. I don't know that even I could be that responsible with NO training!!!!! AND he's right back at it - with the right attitude!!!!!!

He TRULY is an inspiration!!!!!!

Hope all is well with you guys!!!!!!

Friday, October 13, 2006

New favorites.....

I have discovered a new favorite method of self torture - I mean cardio! First plenty of HIIT on my FAVORITE machine the Gauntlet, aka stairmill, aka running the wrong way up an escalator.

THEN for my "cooldown" 15 min. of walking lunges on the treadmill, incl. max! I LOVE this burn - OMG! I am addicted!!!!

I've also discovered freshly ground cinnamon - YUMMY!!!! My Dad makes beautiful peppermills - so I have plenty of grinders. He gave me a matching set this past Christmas - one is a salt grinder, the other pepper of course. But I don't use salt - ever. So I had 2 types of pepper in my grinders - one a blend -- one normal. But then I discovered whole cinammon. If you have not tried this - you are missing out! SO delicious!!! I put it in my sacred cocoa spice tea, on top of cottage cheese, in my "pancakes" - everywhere!!! DELICIOUS!!!!

I had to laugh at all the comments on the microwave situation. Us Americans, especially those of us in New York, don't like to wait - for anything. So to heat water in a kettle - LOL - FAR to long!! I can have tea in a 1:40. Why wait?

In fact - some folks won't even wait that long!!! They sell these "Hot Shot" dispensers here that will give you boiling water instantly - in 30 sec or so!

And at work - we have a cup at a time dispenser for the patients. No waste, no wait. Pick a flavor, drop in a pod, push a button, have a fresh cup of brewed coffee in under a minute. And they wonder why we are so busy with eyeglass adjustments in the winter?

In fact - look what I just read this morning - some folks think DRINKING takes too long - LOL!!!

Delivery of Caffeine Through an Inhalation Route
patent#: US 7078016
There's nothing quite like the smell of coffee in the morning, but let's face it – we don't drink it for the flavor, we drink it for the caffeine. So why wait for coffee to brew when we can just snort the caffeine directly into our addicted little nostrils? I want to be caffeinated, and I want to be caffeinated NOW! If you've ever worked in an office building, you've probably noticed how corporations are more that happy to provide their employees with free coffee, tea, cola beverages, etc. – anything with a healthy dose of stimulating jitter juice. This invention puts caffeine into an aerosol. So, productivity manager, why waste valuable office space on a kitchen, when you can just pipe the stuff directly into the climate control system?

Monday, October 09, 2006


Sometimes I amaze myself with just WHAT exactly I am dependant on. Last night I decided I wanted a cup of tea before bed. So I head to the kitchen, gather the cup and water, etc. pop it in the microwave push the timer.......


Hmm - clock still works - maybe it's just the shortcut button.

Manually puch it in.......

Try it a few more times - different times, settings.......

It's 9:45p.m. On a Sunday.
I don't REALLY need tea this badly do I? I could boil water on the stove. Surely it can wait until after the gym tomorrow........

Ahhh - NOPE!
Off to the 24 hour store I go! Only in America can you buy a new microwave at 10p.m. on a Sunday night!

Seriously - what's WRONG with me - LOL!

So now I have a new microwave. The old is already in the dumpster. Done. Too bad there aren't indicator lights to tell you when it's about to "die" - so you can plan ahead. I think they should make an indicator light for hair dryers too. This is DEFINITELY an appliance I simply will NOT live without. My hair in it's "natural" state.......

I've been known to scare myself!

In other news......

Last Dr.'s appt. was this morning - clean bill of health. Still a bit of scar tissue that I have to massage out of the thumb - Hubert just will not "die"! But the infection itself is GONE!!!!

Let the healing of my poor stomach begin!

Important news for Dog Owner's:

Sweetener Alert For Dog Owners!!!
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! If you're the owner of a dog, please be VERY careful not to allow them to eat anything that contains the sugar substitute xylitol. Xylitol, a low-calorie sweetener that's on the rise in popularity, can be found in many sugar-free products like chewing gum, preserves and syrups. These products, and any others that contain xylitol, can be extremely harmful (even deadly) to your pet. Because this sweetener can be found in more and more diet products these days, cases of xylitol poisoning in dogs are on the rise and about 115 have been reported this year. Please PLEASE read labels and take extra care to keep your pup away from these items -- it could be a matter of life and death.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A quick trip down Memory lane......

Look at what hard work and clean eats can do!!!
The pic in the bikini on the beach is from my Honeymoon April 1994. I thought I had never looked better!

The second pic in the pink tank top is on a vacation with now XBF spring 2001. XBF said I was the "hottest girl" he ever dated!
The third pic in the orange bikini was the original pic I sent to Sue January 2005. I thought I was looking pretty good when I contacted her - just wanted some new training ideas for myself! The last pic is what 12 weeks under Sue's watchful eye did for me....and the "addict" was born!!!!!!

No shortcuts, no magical potions, just TONS of clean eats and intense training! It really is that simple. I've never been happier or healthier!!!!!!


Thanks for all of your kind words and GREAT feedback on my pics! The more I look at them - the more I am REALLY starting to like a few of them. I can NOT believe this is my back!!!!

I must be honest, my initial disappointment was in little details like my suit not being on straight, seeing a "line" from a previous outfit, a stray hair, looking a little too "flat" in some of them.....but considering it was my first time in front of a professional camera...not too bad - if I do say so myself! And I REALLY like the head shot above!!!!

And I'll be reshooting November 20. Assuming Hubert vacates my body in the next couple of weeks! I spoke to the couple that took these pics - and they're, seemingly, really excited about the lighting ideas and poses I have "visualized" - not many pro's are open to suggestions. But these guys seem VERY open - in fact they're coming up with some great ideas too! I think it was just first time communication and minor details that had me a bit disappointed at first. But thanks to you guys and your kind words and support...I'm feeling much better!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Here's One Pic........

O.K. - they're not all bad. In fact a few are pretty good - really good head shots. But my muscle collage does not seem to "be". And the really dramatic high contrast black and white did not happen either.

But here's proof - I went. Pics were taken. And they are flattering - warm and natural.

NEXT TIME - and YES there will be a next time, very, very, very soon, I will go for the more dramatic look.

But first I must get off of these anitibiotics. I told Sue - I've taken to calling my thumb Hubert - it seems to have an agenda of it's own - so now it has it's own identity!

Hubert is still improving - which is GREAT news! And my grip is getting stronger - I am really feeling this weekend lifting sessions - FABULOUS!!!!!!

I had continuing education for work today. Basically all of us in the area get together for 6 hours and listen to presentations on the latest in eyewear technology. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - sorry - LOL!

But come to find out Hubert and myself have become company legends! Folks as far as an hour away knew of my situation, AND that it happened at work from a task that we all perform everyday. Many times a day. Some girls have taken to bandaging their fingers in an attempt to "prevent" such an attack on themselves - LOL!

Perhaps the most disturbing thing about Hubert is that what ever got "in" me to cause this infection came off of someone's glasses! Glasses that they wear day in and day out!

What kind of "chemical make up" is in that person.......