There is always one day in May when I seemingly DOUBLE in size.....and today was that day:(
The first time it hits 90 and the trees/grass/flowers are in bloom my allergies go through the roof and no matter how much I drink - virtually nothing comes back out.
I have drank over 12 litres of water today - not counting herbal tea and a coke zero or two! My skin hurts I am so puffy! Yet I sit here still thirsty.
I hate this day.
Fortunately I was off from work - although my "bonus" personal day was spent hiding indoors with the a/c on - flooding my poor system and watching bad television. At least I wasn't online spending money - LOL! I got in an amazing cardio session before the temps picked up - in and out of the gym by 7:30 a.m.!
But judging how I feel right now - this may have been a poor choice on my part. Probably should have just taken a day of rest.
Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler - and stormy so I should start to "deflate" - THANK GOD! Although I won't be training legs as I was planning. Too aggressive/intense. Better pick an easy one - is there such a thing:) - Probably chest and back.
Anyway - that's all from N.Y. - I'm off to hopefully get some rest:)
Did you know............
steatopygic (adj.) Having an extreme accumulation of fat on the buttocks
Better than calling a patient “fat ass.” They have a word fro EVERYTHING!