Blown Away Part 2.......
WOW - I have had SUCH a FABULOUS week!!!! 2 days off from training after the pics and then I was right back at it in the gym!
OMG - Can we talk about DOMS - WOW! Obviously I was excited to be pushing steel again - or perhaps it was the new tunes that Jodie was kind enough to send over to me unexpectedly - Thanks again Jodie for the perfectly timed and much appreciated prezzie:) - or maybe it was the new program - who knows but I was one sore cookie after all my sessions were in last week! Not even my precious Hydromassage could pound out all the moans and groans - I LOVE IT!!!!!
Fully recovered today - just in time to head straight back there for another session of chest and tri's this evening - Can't wait!!!!! This morning was a GREAT cardio session - I LOVE starting my day this way! Really perks me up for whatever life wants to throw my way this afternoon!
Speaking of a great way to start my day - and end my day - and to return home to - Carolyn - again - I am FLOORED each and every time I see those flowers!!!! And all I have to do is unlock my front door and I'm reminded on your generosity:) Heaven has never smelled so BEAUTIFUL! I'm getting quite accustomed to this - I'll have to treat myself to some fragrant flowers in a couple of weeks. This alone perks me up every time I walk in the place:):):)
And then when I got my mail today I found yet another surprise! Gillian - another long term IBO client sent me her before and after pics straight to my doorstep! I was expecting digitals - but it's SO much cooler to get actual mail! From half way around the world too!!! Gill you look FABULOUS!!!!! I do hope you keep in touch:)
So yes Kerry - I am well aware that if this country should ever get sick of me I have many welcome arms to rush to in the "Down Under":) Maybe someday........maybe someday............
“The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love”
William Wordsworth
Blown Away!!!!!!
That is the only way to describe this!!! I was - and still am - ABSOLUTELY BLOWN AWAY!
These beautiful flowers were waiting for me on my doorstep when I returned home after work on Saturday! A gift from a TRULY inspirational friend - Carolyn! Carolyn has been with IBO for one year now - and this was a VERY unexpected anniversary present!
Carolyn is my very first client that I have had the privilege of working with since she began the journey to a healthy and fit future! March 23 was the one year anniversary of our time together. She is TRULY inspirational - she has come SO very far in this time we have spent together - and she is currently on the last leg of her journey! Every time I see an updated picture I am STUNNED at how much she has achieved! She is a walking testament of just what can be accomplished with a well laid out plan, patience, and consistency!
Carolyn - Thank you SO very much for allowing me to share in this VERY personal journey with you!!!!! You mean the world to me!!!!!!
It's a wrap..........
The film is the can - so to speak! The photo shoot went VERY well! He was AMAZING! I saw some of the test shots and I think this time we got EXACTLY what I had envisioned - YIPPEE!!!! Now the hard part...........
So right back at it - now it's time to add a bit of lean mass onto this little frame - YIPPEE!!! Let the DOMS begin!!!
I'm on my way to the gym to get started today!!!!
Tonight is the Blue Man Group - one more fun thing on my indulgence weekend - then back to reality tomorrow.
But for now my fun continues!
I can't believe I'm single......
I had myself quite a little giggle this morning. I've been waxed, plucked, scrubbed, polished, sprayed and primped today. SO I returned here to heaven to rest a bit - relax - unwind and pack - basically finish getting ready for tomorrow.
SO I have to wear the "hooker" shoes tomorrow - they definitely make it easier to show off that leg definition:) - and any girl that's worn a 5" heel knows that it takes a bit of practice. Steve - you might not understand this - LOL! I've been vacuuming and folding laundry with these on for awhile now - to make sure they are all stretched out and comfy. Limited fluids eats......freezing outside so shopping is no fun - and there DOES seem to be a layer of filth all about in here. Between the hot water heat residue and the residue from the bronzers etc. ...... so I slide on my shoes and start cleaning. I am scrubbing the toilet - oh yes - get the visual - hair in a scrunchy - full practice make up still on for XBF approval on his lunch - sweat pants on - gotta wear the baggy stuff - loose zip up hoodie - blue gloves to protect the manicure - huge thick grey snowmobile socks to stretch the clear acrylic 5" stilletos on my feet....and I think "My gosh - I wonder why I'm single" - LOL!
Tomorrow this time it will all be over - HOORRAY! Yummy eats and fun gaming await! I don't mind the training, or the chicken and veggies, or the counting or the weighing - but all of this primping.......basically the girl stuff - who needs it! Too much work - let me get sweaty - I want to play:)
I'm pretty nervous - again - of course - as I followed different eats this time to try and appear a bit fuller - not quite so flat as last time - so we'll see if it worked. I know I feel good - and my body has a lot of energy - well it did up until this whole depletion thing, and I weigh less than ever yet look and feel better than ever - so that tells me something must be right.
Thank you SO very much to all of my precious peeps!! I was truly BLOWN away by the number of well wishes I received this week while reviewing their feedback! I didn't think anyone read this thing! Who knew?
Wish me luck!!!!!
Almost forgot.....Hey Di - today is National Poultry Day here in the States:) For some reason I immediately thought of you - BBaaaawwwwkkkkkk:)
I THOUGHT Spring was coming.......
'Kay - I've been a little busy. While my plan is coming together - there's still details in the final days - bottled water, food scales, training - although moderate:) - so I haven't been following the weather that closely. In fact I usually try to avoid the news as frankly - it's just too damn depressing!
So I notice it's colder yesterday - that's o.k. - while I put my scarf away I knew better than to put the heavy coat away - I'm not THAT naive! But I go to leave for some cardio this morning and WTF?! SNOW?! On my car?! Nice moderate session complete - I get back - flip on the telly to see what's going on..........A NOREASTER!!!! Doesn't seem to be heading right for us but they ARE saying I should have 9 - 12 inches of snow by tomorrow afternoon. *sigh* - At least I don't have to worry about the humidity causing my to retain water this time around:)
Di I think you're right - either my "friend" reads my blog or has learned to read me a bit better. Yesterday was the first time I saw him in 7 days - and it was just a quick "morning" as he walked past. Ahhhhhhhh - SO much much better...........Just a little "me" time - that's all a girl needs:)
Work is back to it's previous state of chaos - but who cares! 2 more shifts and I'm off for 5 - YIPPEEE!!!!!!
With a fake tan - a nice massage - purrrrdty nails - a live show I've always wanted to see - and some yummy wine and shrimp all waiting for me in just a few days............
The snow is minor. Work is almost a memory - and the rest............
I can't wait!!!:)
It should be illegal......
To be this happy:) Oh wait.......I think it IS illegal in Utah - LOL!
Yet another day without running into my morning cardio "friend" - I'm thinking THIS was the main reason for my miserable state last week. I do value my gym time - as it is MY time - time to flush out all of the negative that seems to form from day to day. Nothing like a good sweat first thing in the morning to provide a sense of accomplishment, clarity, focus - or at least this works for me. So I think feeling as if someone was infringing on this's like invading my "personal space". You know that "space" - the acceptable distance you maintain when talking with others? Some folks you let get close - others you are always stepping back ever so slightly from......well - he was JUST TOO DAMN CLOSE!
Anyway, woke up DOMS - GONE, head clear, energy high, and..........there was no frost on my car! Holy crap - I should but a lotto ticket - LOL! Then I get to the gym - and yes - I'm "supposed" to do moderate cardio all this week - but I've got energy to burn.....and my machine is open...........and looking lonely......... I HAD to......just HAD to! HIIT it was - and it was GREAT!!!!!!! AND NO "FRIEND"! This is as close to perfect as it gets:)
So eats for the final week are all planned out. Work is caught up, head's on straight, all the planning has paid off, it's warm, Life is good again! Just may have to partake in a little shopping this afternoon. Look for some props for the pics or maybe just a new t - shirt. Today's that kinda day. The kind where you want to spend a little money frivolously - just to celebrate that yes, Spring is coming, the end is in sight:)
Life is good!!
I was right!
Things are STILL going pretty smoothly around here - fingers crossed!!! Saturday I went to the gym to train and my beloved Gauntlet was back from the dead - YIPPEE!!!!!
Pics are a week from tomorrow - and things are going VERY well indeed! My last "full on" training this past week was AMAZING! And cardio - thanks to my favorite repairman - was FANTASTIC! Thanks Don!!!
Today was a rest day - never used to take a full day off from both cardio and training - but I've been doing this for the past month or so - and my body is DEFINITELY rewarding me for it! I look GREAT, feel GREAT, perform GREAT - XBF is back in town for a day or so today so I had him take a couple of test pics to see where I am at - and he says I look better NOW - before dehydrating and tanning, than I did in August! YIPPEE!!!!! SO now I just coast to the finish line - so to speak. Light training sessions, moderate cardio, no salt, lots of water, nails, tan, smile, squeeze, and then.......DRINK:) It will be 4 full weeks - no alcohol! SO no doubt one glass and I'll need a nap - such an exciting date I'll be. Luckily it's XBF that's driving me again, so he knows what a lightweight I'll be:)
Caught up on chores, IBO, and perhaps most importantly - SLEEP! Day light savings came early this year and my goodness that always messes me up for a day or so. The first day always feels like a game of beat the clock! But I think my head is back on straight today.
I even had some time to surf around - looking for ideas on posing/props for next week - if you guys have any ideas - shoot me a note won't you? I'll take any and all suggestions - who know where the next great idea will come from:)
ANYWAY - I came across this site - LOL - please take time to notice that this device was sold in 1976! That wasn't that long ago folks!
Perhaps I was right......
So yesterday I was hoping that the photographer confirming our appointment was the first of many stressors about to change......
I woke this morning - and yes - it was still -7 Fahrenheit! So it was, and is still FREEZING here. But there was something different about today.........Something, hmmmmm, let me was very bright.......I had to shield my eyes - what's this called....Oh yes - I remember - this is the SUN!! YIPPEE!!!!!! The clouds at least cleared, and we made it to double digits today. They are saying we'll be above freezing my Sunday - so THAT'S a good sign!
AND as I was leaving the gym after cardio I noticed the anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach was missing........why you ask? No notes on my car, no gifts, no creepy guy! HOORRAY!!!!!
AND at work.....oh dear, I hate to even write this.......this went.....smoothly! A shocker! We were all suspicious! Everyone showed up for their shifts, no one was sick, no computers crashed, it was ....a normal day.
Still not great, plenty of cranky folks coming in fro service, but at least it was manageable.
AND I found out I won't have to house sit next week after all - SWEET!!!! WIth all of this other planning it's just one less thing to contend with. It's always easier to stay focused when you are in your own house!
At the gym after work, I got the machines I needed/wanted to train my lizard lats - and just finished a DELICIOUS dinner!
So yes - today was MUCH better!
And I can only hope it's the first of many more days to come:)
That's what I'm gonna need - THERAPY! I have been in SUCH a foul mood as of late - I just can't seem to shake it! Personally I should be VERY happy - I've never weighed less, yet I feel GREAT! I'm still eating like a horse - lots of energy, good training, my 'never fit again jeans" not only fit on Monday - I needed a belt!! YIPPEE!!!! The fine tuning I did to my diet ahs worked wonders - easiest picture prep ever! Hair cut is done, tanning is booked - should be no worries - right?
Yet I am one cranky girl! Still having stressful days at work - it's STILL freezing and snowing here, grey skies, heavy winds, this weather is REALLY taking a toll on me for some reason. Usually I can shake it off, I just buy myself some flowers, hit the gym extra hard - all is well again. Well I now have 3 flower bouquets here in Heaven - and I'm still......
And there is a guy at the gym who INSISTS on leaving things on my car for me, and trying to make small talk while I am training. My headphones are on, I'm sprinting - there he is wanting to chat. I'm in the squat rack - head phones on, grunting - "Hi Michelle". ARRRggghhhhh!!! Take a hint! The gym is "my" time - "my" space - when I work out the frustrations from the rest of the world - and now it's quickly becoming another source of irritation! He's at least 70 years old, so at first I tried to be "nice" - thought he was just being friendly. But with all of the gifts on my car and constant pestering I'm beginning to think it's "more" than that. I've tried being polite....I've tried ignoring is telling him to blatantly knock it off!!!! I hate to resort to this - but he's not picking up on any other signs!
Good news FINALLY came through today though.......the photographer FINALLY confirmed my appointment for the 20th - YIPPEE!!! This was also another source of frustration - I have been waiting 3 weeks for them to confirm - and to be honest if I hadn't heard from them today I was just going to cancel - no point in dehydrating and getting brown if it wasn't going to happen. But just 15min. ago they FINALLY called. So maybe this is the first of hopefully many stressors that are about to change for the better! After all - this weekend we "spring ahead", and the official first day of spring is March 21st - so it can't be cold forever.........
"Z" - Zero.....
THAT - my friends - is the HIGH today......
"Z" - ZERO!!!! Not celcius mind you - oh no - that would seem down right Summer like at this point.......
"Z" - ZERO!!!! Enough already Mother nature! Enough!!!!!
Sorry - had to get that out of me:) Anyway... After such kind compliments and thoughts on the letter "X" there was quite a bit of pressure on me to impress with this letter. One thought was How could I have down an "X" post without mentioning XBF?! And then I got to thinking....another way to describe XBF is
"Z" - Zapohpyl - A person who simply can not be satisfied watching just one program and must constantly surf from one show to another - LOL! I think this term is also know as a MAN:)
He likes to say that this is his way of relaxing - or should I say when he is feeling....
"Z" - Zenacious - committed to the pursuit of relaxing.
Another way to describe a typical man - and thus XBF is a
"Z" - Zeububerer - someone who must always argue the opposite opinion/point from which you personally have:)
One trait that XBF does NOT have - thank goodness is the habit of always cutting in front of folks in line - those folks are called....
"Z" - Zeeks! And you can tell from today's tone that not only does this weather have me feeling a bit foul - but a MAN set me day off right from my workout this morning. How dare he try to ruin my cardio session! But I must remember my own personal golden rule........
If you don't know their middle name than they simply can not ruin your day. And hopefully this little rant will get the rest of my bitterness out of my system:)
Another favorite quote perfect for today is by none other than Mr.
"Z" - Zig
"Z" - Ziglar himself:)
“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.”
And with those final thoughts - I now must shower and head to work:)
Let's see....what on earth can I
"Y" - Yammer on about that starts with the letter Y. The first thing that comes to mind is my gym buddy..
"Y" - Yank!! You might remember - Yank trains at my gym and had lost 150 lbs!! All through diet and exercise! He lost nearly 1.5 Michelle's! Poof - gone! He has also completed not one but 2 5K marathons! That would be exactly 2 more than me - LOL!
Sadly the ...
"Y" - Yuletide proved a bit of challenge for my dear friend and inspiration. I have not seen him for many weeks - I was hoping he was getting the surgery to remove his excess skin. But sadly he fell off the wagon. However he is right back at it - more determined than ever to keep the weight off so he can get the surgery. I have assured him taht I am here for him - if he should ever need a little extra "support".
"Y" - YUMMY! That's what I'm thinking as I sip my
"Y" - YOGI tea! I found some flavored stevia - this one is English toffee. And let me tell you - a couple of drops of this gives a whole new meaning to the word PLEASURE - LOL! Especially when I put it on my creamy oats - MMmmmmm!
And while my tea is delicious - I am actually
"Y" - Yearning for a glass of wine. *sigh* - It's been of dear - more weeks than I can count. I had a couple of beers about 2 weeks ago - but no wine. And now pics are too close. By the time pics are taken I will have gone 4 weeks without a drop of alcohol! A new personal best! And when I DO have that glass of wine - you can bet it will no doubt be just that - only one. What a cheap date I will be that night - LOL!
I am also yearning for some
"Y" - Yellow skies. Sadly it's still winter like here - with arctic blast coming on Tuesday...
"Y" - Yippee - not! However this weekend's training sessions DEFINITELY deserve a loud YIPPEE!!! They were T E R R I F I C!!!! I am already
"Y" - Yelping when I sit down! And this is after my hydro massage. I may go back tomorrow for another pounding:) Tomorrow is also haircut day - a second loud YIPPEE is due here! These roots have got to go! You can tell work is stressful based on the number of grey's sprouting up top.
And did you ever notice that even just reading the word...
"Y" - YAWN - will make you do just that?! - I know I just did:)