Weird But True

Wednesday, November 29, 2006



Most folks would describe my new favorite breakfast as disgusting - and to look at it - I'd have to agree - but it's VERY tasty to me!!!

My trip to the Dr. confirmed what I though Jaemi - I'm still not quite "right" after my month long stint on antibiotics - so some Western med. for the new condition and some Eastern methods to help correct the insides. This means a 10 day detox for me. Which means no oats for 10 days. But a girl's got to have some starchy carbs - how else can I fuel these workouts? So my new breakfast is egg whites and pumpkin, flavored with a dash of vanilla, a packet of Stevia and some pumpkin pie spice.

YYuuummmyyyy!! Whenever I come up with some new appalling "creation" I think of a peep who could not understand why I eat some of the creations that I do - LOL!!! I would insist that my "lasgana" was as good as the real thing, and he would create it and question my sanity!! I hope he's doing well with his new program:)

I just finished a TERRIFIC book this morning - "Ultra Marathon Man" - this guy has done it ALL!!! He ran 199 miles - BY HIMSELF! In a weekend!!! Over hills and rivers, and Mt.'s name - he's done it. I don't understand it myself - but I do have the same desire to keep challenging myself - just no desire to run for 2 days without sleep!

I heard from some friends I haven't talked to in some time today - we had a FABULOUS catch up session and have planned on seeing each other Monday. We are both so busy that we often promise to keep in touch but rarely seem to. I'm going to make a better effort on my part this time. They actually share my love of fitness - so it's a better match than some of the others I've lost touch with.

“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”Author Unknown

Sunday, November 26, 2006

What the world needs.....

OMG - Sue - I MUST talk to you about this lifting technique!!! I simply can NOT remember the last time I was this sore. I trained triceps on Thursday and today - Sunday - is the first day I didn't have some DOMS when I was washing them in the shower!!!

Last night was legs with this method. And I am certain that I don't quite have the technique perfected just yet - but OMG - WOW! This mornings power walk was sheer torture! I've requested his book to further read up on this method. Once I have the technique mastered and an understanding of the "physics" I'll be sure to pass it on.

Which brings me to what the world know how they have those self "warming" face scrubs? Why can't someone invent a body scrub that does the same thing? My quads could really use that right now!

The other thing I could really use right now is my dog - a/c hog. Not in a "I miss the boy" way, but I seem to be a bit clumsy in the kitchen this morning...

Could've used some "clean up" patrol:)

Next training is back and bi's. Don't have an example of this technique on those body parts yet - so I think I will survive.

Speaking of surviving......I must confess that I have been avoiding family contact for a couple of days. I will have to at least call them this afternoon. Ugghh - have to brace myself now.

Tomorrow I have another Dr.'s appt. While not directly related to the thumb I can't help but think they are connected. My system was under attack pretty good that month and now.......

Let's just say I know my body - and something's not right just yet.

Anyway - after breakfast I now need to mop the floor in the kitchen - so I best be off!

"The only time results come before struggles are in the dictionary!"

Friday, November 24, 2006

I'm Thankful....

That it's OVER!!!! Yesterday was Thanksgiving here in the States - a day where for some unknown reason people feel the need to cook WAAAYYYY too much and then proceed to eat most of it. After which they sit around complaining about how they shouldn't have, blah, blah, blah.

My family gets smaller all the time. I only had to entertain G'ma and Dad this year - and both of which suggested that we forget Thanksgiving all together. Which was the BEST idea ever - however the idea of the two of them sitting home alone - or worse at Denny's eating dinner at a table for one on Thanksgiving was more than I could bear.

Next year I may take them up on that offer.

They were here FOREVER. And while they enjoyed what they were served - I told them I was not making 14 side items and 12 pies. We were a party of 3 - you'd be served a "normal" dinner. Turkey, sweet potatoes, salad, green beans and rolls for Dad.

Dad brought dessert - "since it didn't feel right without it".
G'ma commented on all the traditional sides that were missing - gravy - stuffing - corn - pumpkin pie - apple pie - ARRRGGGhhh!! We are 3 people!

But then G'ma decided to start asking why I'm not dating anyone........

Wine anyone - LOL!
However since the 2 of them were not drinking - I did not drink either. Which made the event painful - but at least I have no ill effects this morning.

AND I got to train TWICE yesterday. A.M. cardio - P.M. lifting!!!! Sue - I tried a new technique I read about - remind me to fill you in. A bit more research is needed - but I have NEVER had such sore triceps in all of my life as I do right now!!

So the Holiday is over - YIPPEE!! I still have to work today and tomorrow - but a bit of relief has come to pass there....

We got some GREAT news at work late Wednesday - my co worker I was most concerned about getting laid off come January is now in an actual Union spot - meaning the odds of him being laid off are DRAMATICALLY reduced!! HOORRAAYY!! We had to lose a full - timer and a part timer to get this - but they were only recently hired. My "buddy" has been there for 4 years now - and is just one of those generally good guys always trying to please everyone that somehow ALWAYS get the short end.

So I'm Thankful he's "saved":)

And with that - I hear a treadmill calling my name!!!!

Did you know......

The average Thanksgiving meal contains around 3,000 calories and 229 grams of fat. Thankfully - I am NOT average!!!! LOL!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Question.....

2 interval training sessions, both the same total number of minutes in length, the intervals - also the same in terms of interval lengths, recovery lengths, and produce similar heart rate training zones, 2 different machines.......

Machine A says you burn XX number of calories and is very enjoyable to perform - lots of sweat - good intense workout - time flies by.........

Machine B says you burn xx number of calories, every minute feels like an hour and while you sweat you absolutely HATE this .........

Which do you choose..........

(Insert Jeopardy theme music here)

Why Machine B of course!!

Because we all know that the numbers on the machine really don't mean much - and we should train by how our bodies feeellllll.

So this morning I chose to do my intervals on the treadmill instead of my precious Gauntlet. I HATE running - God bless ya Steve - you can HAVE it!!!! But - I know I need to change it up a bit from time to time - and if there's no physical pain, aka injury, then most likely the reason why I hate this is because it takes me one step beyond my comfort zone. And - to keep improving - this is where I need to train. So I ran, and sweat, and thanked God when it was over - although I can't help being just a little bit proud of myself for having done this.......

But I just ate my "normal" breakfast 20 min, ago and already my tummy is asking for more - so I made the right choice:)

Here's some trivia for you:

Did you know......

Bubble Wrap was the result of a failed attempt to make plastic wallpaper!

Who would need plastic wallpaper ANYWAYS? Better not answer that - LOL!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Ought Oh.........

Where did he go?!!!!! Hillary I am TOTALLY thinking of you right now..........last night on my way to bed I noticed a spider in the upper corner - over the bathroom door.

Waaayyyyyy up high - I couldn't reach him - without getting a chair. But it's fall here - so the spiders tend to either come inside to die, or do that gross cocoon thing they do - where if you don't destroy their little "nest" you get 100's of spiders in the spring.

Either way - he looked like he was "sleepy" - not moving - maybe already dead - who knows. My legs were screaming - I did the circuit 3 times this week - talk about lucky!!! Anyway - I was too tired/unmotivated to get a tissue, grab a chair CLIMB up and then CLIMB down, flush the bugger, and then put the chair back. That seemed like a LOT of work for one sleepy spider. I was exhausted, sore, and off to bed. He'll be there in the morning.

UUuuummmm - where's my "roomie"? I have scoured this entire apartment - and I don't see him!! He wasn't "sleepy" - he was tricking me!!!!

I hope I didn't eat him in my sleep - I hate reading about that kinda stuff. Gross. Grosser than tuna for sure!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


That's the weather here - and my mood today. It's been grey, overcast, cold, and light misty rain for a solid week now - beginning to seem like ETERNITY!!!! As soon as I get home I turn on so many lights just to "brighten" things up a bit - including my mood.

It's the end of Fall here - so the trees are bare - the ground is brownish/green - and the sky is grey. Not exacty a warm sunny beach with an ocean view - LOL!

I'd settle for sun.

Today was also haircut day. This has added to my grey mood. Why you ask? The first reason is that my new "natural" hair color is also grey - LOL! But, the haircut was scheduled - and needed - prior to my pics. Bummer - Still needed a haircut - but no pics. And the Hair Salon was playing Christmas music - ARRGGhhhhhh - we still have Turkey Day to get through - let's not jump ahead people. 2 people in my apartment building have had their Christmas decorations - including tree - up since last Monday...... 11/6! Geez!

And these silly hair appointments take up SO much time - and are so costly - and I left there knowing that I was heading straight home still smelling and feeling color in my hair and having brown "stains" all about my face/ears/and neck, with a style that is not "right" - to wash my hair and start over!

So not the best of days. I'm not very good at being a "girl" - I thought we were supposed to love getting our hair and nails done - I've never been a fan of either.

But - cardio has already been performed - I used a personal day to get out of "work" so I know one thing that will improve my mood........

O.K. - a couple of things, but we're trying to save $$ rememeber - so no retail therapy. And it's only 2pm so it's too early for wine, but at 2 pm I can GUARANTEE I'll be able to perform my circuit with no interruptions..........

Look out boys - here I come!!!!!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


OMG - this is TORTURE!!!! I am earning some of those precious continuing educational credits for work as I type this.

It's an online seminar - I thought they were bad in person....but MAN!
But at least here in Heaven I can type to you guys, in my sweats - with my slippers on and a cup of hot tea. That's a plus.

And it's one less hour I'll have to sit in a classroom next year - another plus.

But I could be at the gym grunting and sweating......but this is the "right" thing to do. I can lift tomorrow - I got cardio in this morning so all is well!

Today has been a FABULOUS day aside from this nonsense coming out of my computer speakers. Woke up early - clear head, feeling great - although I swear I still tasted tuna during cardio - but c'mon - I know it's just mental - LOL!
Great HIIT cardio - my favorite session too! The one followed by the walking lunges.

And at work - when the office ordered in lunch for the staff - they had the caterer bring a granny smith apple and a container of l/f cottage cheese for me - SO SWEET!! I was BLOWN away by this!!!!

And speaking of sweet...I received a post card in the snail mail from one of my "peeps", Carolyn!!! What a TERRIFIC surprise!! I've hung it on my wall of cherished cards/pics. I should take a pic of this board and post it for you guys to see. Not many cards and pics - but I've only been with Sue and IBO a short time. Hopefully this wall will soon be COVERED in goodies!! They are truly MY motivation!

AND Xbf called to say that he had a delivery for me at the house as well. He was kind enough to drop it off on his way out tonight - it was a package from Kerry!!!! She helped me with a surprise special Christmas present for my Dad. It arrived safe, sound, and in plenty of time. He will LOVE them!!! Thank you SO much for this Kerry!!!!

Now - if only this hour would go by a teensie bit faster - LOL!!!!

Remember -

"Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts."

Monday, November 13, 2006


Every couple of months I get it in my head to try tuna - AGAIN!

WHY?! I do NOT like this stuff. Not even tuna steaks. Comes in a can like cat food, smells like cat food - sorry tuna lovers - it's true!!

But other folks eat it EVERY DAY. It's in all the fitness magazines. And my taste buds have definitely changed since I was a kid. I NEVER would have even IMAGINED I would eat broccoli or brussels sprouts by choice - yet now I LOVE Them!

So today was the day. I tried tuna - AGAIN! I don't like it - STILL. I finish it - as usual. And now - 4 hours later - after brushing my teeth 3 times and drinking seemingly gallons of water AND having an apple with cottage cheese as a snack - I CAN STILL TASTE IT!!!!

It's gross. PLEASE do NOT let me do this again. EVER!!!

Anyway - great cardio today! I really was drenched after my power walk. - go figure!! But when you use that heart rate monitor and the incline to push yourself - it CAN be a good workout!!!!!

Even more amazing is how quickly I recover! This is WAY COOL!!! I am one fit little girl!!!!

'cuse me - tuna.

So on my way out the door to meet XBF for gaming and dinner. Gotta pay those bills - LOL!

Wish all the bills were this fun to pay!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bad Week at Work + Busy Gym + Heavy Lfting =

Trash Mouth!!! My oh my - I was fitting right in with the "men" this weekend! I kept catching myself and apologizing/excusing my language!

I got out of work late on Friday - really - was I surprised by this? But I was DETERMINED to lift! So I flew in the door - changed and grabbed a "back up" program. My current method of self torture is a circuit program - which I LOVE - but getting out late might mean that the gym would be crowded so a circuit might not be an option....

Traffic was not of my side! Running late, growing more frustrated by the minute, I finally get to the gym to find it full of the Friday night group - the youngish wannabe's who train in their street clothes to get a quick pump before going out to "meet the ladies".


So I take a look at the program I grabbed as back up - always with a back up plan - nothing was going to stop me!

I grabbed a good one!!!! Progressive overload - NOICE!!!!

XBF showed up to train - now I had a spot - SWEET!

I'm grunting, panting, turning red and the words that were seemingly flowing out of me! Tsk!Tsk!Tsk! Luckily he does not embarrass easily!

This was repeated again Saturday and Sunday. Heavy lifting - great spot - and potty mouth.

But I am happy to report that my Grrrrrr has turned back to my usual Purrrrrrrrr!!! And DOMS is already setting in! I will finally get a sound night's sleep tonight! Yes!!!!!

To add to my newfound happy state - XBF has repaired my computer - making it faster than ever and in no time flat!!!!

So tomorrow is my power walk in the a.m., dinner and video games - my treat - in the evening.

A rough start to my weekend - but a perfect ending!!!

Life in Heaven has returned to "normal" - LOL!

Friday, November 10, 2006


Forget the Lifter Salt and Pepper shaker - THIS is what we all need!!

This is called the Shockolate Vault. You put your tempting items in this container and set the digital timer, up to 24 hours. If anyone tries to open it within 24 hours - they get zapped!!!

Chocolates, tempting Holiday treats, credit cards for those implulse purchases, I don't think it would hold a bottle of wine - but it would hold a corkscrew - LOL!!!

Last night I ate WAAYY too many Brussels Sprouts - could have used this last night when I went back for more. I know, I know...everything in moderation. They were all fresh and yummy and well......

My tummy hurts this morning. I don't think this mornings cardio will be running - or even my precious Gauntlet. Moderate session - here I come!

I have a coworker who is SUCH a kid when it comes to gifts. He paces and practically breaks out in a sweat just waiting for the O.K. to open it - and once he gets his hands on it - POOF! - the wrapping paper is gone in less time then it takes to remove your coat!!! I would LOVE to get him a gift card - wrap it so he doesn't know what it's to/for and drop it in this thing. Then place it on a counter and watch him pace for a day - hehehehhehehehehe! Evil I know - but fun:)

Good news is today is Friday - YIPPEE!!! I should - hopefully - get out of work at a reasonable hour and I am DEFINITELY heading to the gym for some self torture/therapy after this week! I'm not even sleeping well now thanks to the nonsense going on at that place. Need a code word for the "real job" - I don't even llike typing the word work right now - Grrrrrrrrr.

Some happy news then - yesterday I went to insert a demo cd for some new software I wanted to try - and was greeted by an odd sound. The drive kicked out the disc and to my horror - it was in 2 pieces! Now my drive won't read anything! How am I to transfer tunes to my Mp3?!!

But remember I said Good News - XBF has expanded his skills at crime solving since we split - he's been trained at removing evidence from hard drives!

So I called him to see if he had any suggestions on where to take this for the least amount of "downtime' and guess what - he can now remove/replace/rebuild a cd drive himself!!!! His current lap top - he built it!

YIPPEE!!!! And his rates are quite affordable - for one dinner and any parts needed he will come to Heaven - evaluate and repair!!! No need to go offline!!! No going to a repair store!!! AND he's a simple sandwich and a couple of beer kinda guy - so MUCH more affordable then the rates at the computer store!

And with that happy thought I'm off for morning cardio!!! Have a GREAT weekend!!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

What we all need....

Check out this WAY too cute Salt and Pepper shaker!!!! I'm LOVIN' this thing!! Don't know if Dad would take to kindly to me sharing kitchen space with his creations - but hey a girl needs a "man" in her life!!! I may just have to get one!!

I must apologize to all of my Aussie friends - I don feel down right shameful bragging about my showers after learning about your draught - and so early in the season for you!!! I have been much more responsible - I promise!!!

I had a FABULOUS cardio session this morning!! AND I'm all over the self induced soreness from last weeks lifting sessions - just in time to start again tomorrow night!!! I can't WAIT!!!

XBF "volunteered" to join me at the gym for one of the sessions last week. I wanted to really see what this workout could do for a girl - so I insisted he spot me. Him - being a him and all - wanted to see what this "new" workout was all about. So he joined in and matched me rep for rep and pound for pound.

He was not moving so good 24 hours later. By 48 hours later he was still cursing me and Sue. He did not return for the next lifting session. "Allegedly" had to work late - LOL!! Whatever!!!

Work is still.......unspeakable. But other than that things are GREAT!!!

Did you know......

Pumpkin halves were supposedly used as guides for haircuts in colonial New Haven, Connecticut, giving rise to the nickname 'pumpkinhead.'

Monday, November 06, 2006

Shower Slut.....

That's what I am these days - a shower slut - LOL!!!!

My new program is pretty intense - and TOTALLY different than what I have been doing. This has left me exhausted and achy - I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!!!

However - with my endless supply of hot water here in Heaven - I have to be VERY conscious of how long I am actually in the shower - this weekend a "short" shower was 20min!!!!!!

And I'm going to sleep about 9 pm most nights - alright - not most nights - but on the days that I lift - 9pm is my bedtime!!!!

So not socializing a lot this weekend - in fact - not much to report at all. Eat, sleep, train, shower, cook - that about sums it up!!!!

Hope the rest of you had a great weekend!!!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

An experiment for all!!!!!

Hey - did you guys ever wonder if you were actually "getting" anything out of your supplements - or if you were , literally, flushing your money away?

I know I've wondered this MANY times!!! And while this test won't tell you if your muscles are benefiting from what you are taking - it will tell you if your supplements are "breaking down" as they should - so your body at least has a chance of using them!!!

Give it a try!!!!

Supplements should dissolve in about 30 minutes in order for the body to absorb the full amount of nutrients. But a simple at-home test reveals that some of the most popular vitamins can take several hours, even days, to fully dissolve.

a) Combine equal parts of water and white vinegar in a see through glass or bowl.
b) Heat the mixture for 20 seconds in a microwave (set on high).
c) Drop the supplement you want to test into the mixture.This test will mimic the hydrochloric acid in your stomach.

After 30 minutes, you will observe one of the following results:

1) The supplement has not dissolved. In this case, you are likely to excrete most or all of the supplement depriving your body of the promised nutritional benefits.

2) The supplement has partially dissolved, is floating on top of the mixture and is stuck to the side of the glass. In this case, you are likely to excrete some or most of the supplement depriving your body of the promised nutritional benefits, as well as experience an upset stomach.

3) The supplement has dissolved has sunk to the bottom. In this case, you are likely to excrete most or all of the supplement depriving your body of the promised nutritional benefits.

4) The supplement has dissolved and it floating freely on top of the mixture. In this case, your body will benefit from the nutrients.

And here's a simple way for my friends in the States to "give something back" today!!

Please click on the link below and send a Free Card of Thanks to a member of the U.S. Armed forces fighting in Iraq. It only takes a second - and it's a chance that regardless what you may think about war - you support the folks who are over there!!!! You might just make someone's