You could say that I am a perfect example of a ....
"X" - xenogenesis - generation of off spring completely unlike their parents. After having dinner with Dad and G'ma this Sunday - THAT was blatantly clear. All you have to do is look at their plates. They both selected steak and ribs, mash potatoes and corn.
I had a grilled shrimp salad, dressing on the side:) And pics or no pics - I ALWAYS order this at this particular restaurant. It's my favorite:)
My Dad IS however a.....
"X" - xylopolist - one who sells wood. And he has a very nice small business quickly forming out if his hobby. ANd that makes him happy, and keeps him busy - so we are ALL happy - LOL!
Another thing that makes me happy these days is my free heat! It is still cold and dreary here, although at least now it is in the 30's. However the grey skies are bringing rain! And 35 and rain is NOBODY's idea of a "nice day"! I am chilled all the time. Until I get home and crank my heat. It's hot water heat here, so if anything you would think it's extremely humid - but this is not the case. In fact it is SO
"X" - xeric - dry or lacking in moisture - that I have a humidifier going all the time. And I can to water my plants every couple of days! You should see my skin - not good! Even with all of the water and flax I consume! I need to bathe in olive oil - LOL!
And it's dusty in here too! I am constantly wiping everything! It's at least partly because of all the .....
"X" - xanthate - a type of salt - that is on our roads so we can still have a "normal" life. Without the salt there would be VERY little driving these days!
And since my town does not have a
"X" - Xystus - covered walkway for exercises - I must drive to the gym every day - or else there would be no training.
And then I would no longer be the Happy Girl that I am:)
"W" - Who's bright idea........
"W" - Who's bright idea was it to change my training program? To switch from plyo on my legs to .....
"W" - Weights?! LOL - oh yes, this was MY brilliant idea. I definitely had fun this ......
"W" - Weekend! Fortunately I erred on the side of caution and went easy on these guys. Because even with light weights I was still a bit...
"W" - Weary. And definitely...
"W" - Wasted after training. In fact, for the first time in I don't even know how many years - I slept for 10 1/2 hours! This is unheard of for me!! Oh sure - I did not sleep straight through - it wouldn't be right if I didn't get up to use the restroom every 2 hours or so. This is what happens when you drink over 10 liters of .....
"W" - Water on a daily basis! And that's in addition to any tea or diet coke! Never say I am not hydrated!
Speaking of weary - I am REALLY getting tired of this
"W" - Winter
"W" - Weather! Although so far the worst of the storm has stayed to our South - I know Jaemie is probably VERY happy to receive snow for a change - it is still terribly
"W" - Windy here! And windy means I'm freezing. AND if the winds turn just right I could get dumped on with more lake effect. Fingers crossed..........fingers crossed........
Wouldn't be proper to have "W" day with out a bit of
"W" - Weird trivia - this is LONG overdue!!!!!
Weird disease of the Day........
If you’re suffering from the following symptoms
• emotional blunting (flat affect or lack of emotion)
• hyperphagia (compulsion to place inedible objects in the mouth)
• inappropriate sexual behavior (such as mounting inanimate objects)
you may have Kluver-Bucy Syndrome. Or you just may be on spring break in Cancún!
"V" - Vvvveerrrryyyyyy
"V" - Very busy!! That's what I've been this week. Now that the weather has cleared it has been BEYOND busy at work - yuck. Leaving me just plain exhausted at the end of each and every day. I wake up just as tired as when I went to bed the night before! Luckily today is Saturday and I am free from that place for two whole days - HURRAY!
I've been online - don't misunderstand - but after dealing with the public all day the last the thing I feel like is being...
"V" - vocal with ANYONE. Guess I needed to
"V" - VENT a little bit there - sorry:)
So I've been taking out my frustrations on my training. With a
"V" - Vengeance! Between a new playlist on the MP3 - and a new program - I've been training as if I have a personal
"V" - Vendetta!! And I guess I do - because pics are three weeks from Tuesday! I haven't heard from the photographer yet - I sent them an email to see what colors they suggested or if there were any props I might want to bring.
Meanwhile I've been focusing on a bit more
"V" - Variety with my cardio sessions - I do love that Gauntlet - but you can't use the same machine all the time or the muscles will stop responding. The variety is doing me good as I am now getting very
"V" - Vascular and lean - YIPPEE!!!! I do hope these pics are all that I
"V" - Visualize them to be - LOL!
And on that note I am off ofr my last meal of the day. Chicken and plenty of.....
The weather that moved here last week was simply that...
"U" - Unbelievable! Also unbelievable is that someone would actually try to DRIVE with that much snow still on top on their car!!! The first pic is the view I had from my driver's seat on my way to work Friday. Idiot. He had close to 18 inches of snow on his roof - and how about those clear blue skies - LOL!
The second pic is what happens when you go out of town for a couple of days while we are getting POUNDED! G'ma was out of town during all of this - so Dad and I had to locate her car for her. It was COMPLETELY covered in snow, all sides - couldn't even tell there was a car in there!!! This was after two days. We had to return and do it again 2 days later. She is now home - and on her own:) Can't go without mentioning that she was in Florida - visiting my....
"U" - Uncle:)
However there were some folks in Ohio I think who got hit with ice and snow - and their cars are frozen to the street! Completely encased in ice. Folks on the news said that local authorities can't figure out what to do - expect wait for warmer weather! Can you imagine!
I ...
"U" - Understand it's winter - and I live in the North East - but enough is enough! And it's far from over.
More ...
"U" - UNBELIEVABLE training sessions this weekend! I am full on exhausted at this point - and as such taking a day of rest - no cardio, no shoveling, no training.......Ahhhhhhhhh. I did take the time to create an
"U" - Updated program for myself. It's been 6 weeks - so it's time. I'm itching to push some steel. My program prior to this one was tempo training - which involves light weights. Then this last one was the plyo stuff - I feel great - look pretty good if I do say so myself - but enough already...I NEED IRON - LOL! The PB's I've had this past week with my
"U" - Upper body strength have got me curious to see just what these legs can do now. But I don't want to
"U" - Undo all of my hard works - so I've asked Sue to check it over for me - I'll take all the advice I can get leading up to these pics!!!!
For some more
"U" - Unbelievable stuff - check out these two links below. The first points out the unbelievable things in movies now a days.....
And the next is actually the
"U" - USDA guidelines for acceptable foreign items in my food!!!! Things like bugs, rodent hair, dirt, etc! I could've lived without this site - but if I must be grossed out and a bit nervous - why not share this feeling with everyone?
Our weather -
"T" - TERRIBLE! I find no LESS than a foot of snow on my car each and every day. The winds are gusting well over 20mph - so you can't see anything. It's simply
"T" - Treacherous trying to drive anywhere! And unfortunately this awful weather DID effect the class I was SO looking forward to!
It was canceled yesterday - and then when I went back last night to
"T" - Train I saw the instructor and he told me that they were moving the class to an 8 am start - since with the snow season still in effect - and extra hour makes in easier for everyone else to get there. And since I have to be at work at 9:15 on Fridays.......
I won't be able to go:( He told me that he'll let me run through it with him a couple of times - as he is not as conditioned as he would like to be for
"T" - Teaching this sort of thing - so we'll see what happens there. Perhaps I'll be able to at least get him to share his class "plan" - really that's all I would need. With my MP3 and a plan - nothing will stop me:)
So last night I had a
"T" - TREMENDOUS back and bi session! I've changed my eats around a bit and WOW - my body is really liking this! I had SO much energy, and strength.......PB'S EVERYWHERE!!! YIPPEE!! I did so well last night I can't wait to return tonight for my next session. I hope
"T" - TP can't make it - sorry - selfish I know - but I really feel that I am doing better on my own with just my
"T" - Tunes! Nothing a little Metallica can't over come!
"T" - Take care everyone! I have to go fidn my car now and head off to work:)
Yes folks it is
"S" - SNOWING here again! And while last time the worst of the
"S" - Storm stayed to my North, THIS time it's a DIRECT hit!!! When I went outside the morning there was SO much snow on the ground already that it was up OVER my headlights from the front and above the bottom of my door panels! I had used my remote
"S" - Starter to warm it up a bit and when I began brushing off "my" car I quickly discovered that it was not mine at all! Mine was the one next to it - also buried, also running. So one of my neighbors came outside to find a
"S" - Sweet
"S" - Surprise - LOL!
But an even NICER
"S" - Surprise was to get to work only to learn that we would be closely early due to the inclement weather! NOICE!
Grown ups NEVER get ...
"S" - SNOW DAYS - but I just did - YIPPEE!!!! Of course it is so bad out that you don't dare do anything lest someone crash into you - and most of the city is closing early! But not surprisingly I made it to the gym before work for some HIIT cardio - so at least my training is done and in the books. So I plan on watching and practicing some more with the posing DVD, and I have a Netflix rental here that will kill a bit of time.....
Heck - even if all I do is get some extra
"S" - Sleep it is all good with me!
"R" - Relief.........
"R" - Relief from the snow was VERY short lived. It FINALLY Stopped snowing here on Sunday - and now Tuesday.....
The beginning of a "Noreaster" is moving in! They are predicting over a foot by morning - anther foot during the day tomorrow, 8 inches tomorrow night, THEN Lake effect will take over on Thursday! So much for our
"R" - Reprieve! Times like these I TRULY love being here in Heaven!!!!! I'm a bit nervous that my first class of torture will be
"R" - Rescheduled due to the snow! Fingers crossed!!!
Yesterday I had a bit of a.....
"R" - Rest day! After my plyo session on Sunday I slept in - caught up on my IBO stuff then went to the gym with the intention of doing shoulders AND moderate cardio.......
However I opted for just cardio and made today a double session. A.M. cardio and then I
"R" - Returned for p.m. lifting. SO much more energy this way! That plyo stuff just wipes me out! But once I
"R" - Recover.....LOOK OUT WORLD - HERE I COME!!!!!
I was surfing around a bit this afternoon on my lunch and came across a VERY bizarre website. Don't ask me HOW I ended up here - somehow, some link...... but this one is
"R" - REALLY weird!!!!
Check it out!
"Q" - Quicky.....
Today's post will have to be just a
"Q" - Quicky as I am in a bit of a
"Q" - Quagmire as to what to babble on about that starts with the letter
"Q" - LOL! This weekend I was
"Q" - Questioning who's
"Q" - Que list the good folks at Netflix were using to decide what to send me - my GAWD - the two movies they sent me to "enjoy" were simply NOT FOR ME!
Luckily I was so drained from all of my training that I couldn't have cared less - and simply went to bed. I slept for 10 hours last night - which is pretty HUGE for me. It was so nice and
"Q" - Quiet:)
Still a little sore this morning - and dragging a bit. That plyo leg training KILLS me! I'm beginning to wonder if doing a plyo class before work on Friday morning is the smartest thing for me to do......... I barely have a brain cell left after my current program - never mind the energy/patience to be polite and understanding! I don't want the patients at work
"Q" - Questioning if I am
"Q" - Qualified to be waiting on them! They'll think I am a bit of a
"Q" - Quak!
The LAST thing I need is stress at work right now!
Before I head out to find my car - AGAIN I leave you with a
"Q" - Quote:)
“The .....
"Q" - Quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.”
Erich Fromm
"P" - Pppppuuullleeeeaaaasssseeee!
"P" - PLEASE make it stop snowing!!!!!! We are getting....
"P" - PUMMELED! Day after day - this is how I find my car at 6:30 a.m.! Buried - yet again!!!
And yet my troubles are NOTHING compared to the folks just a half hour North of me......
I am SO glad I am back at Heaven this week and not still house sitting! OMG - to worry about a driveway - and a
"P" - Path for the dog...No thanks!
I managed some more
"P" - PB's at the gym tonight for my
"P" - P.M. lifting session - NOICE!!!!
And now my NEWS!!!!!!!
Yes Di - you could probably guess correctly...I am SO very excited because my gym will be offering an intensive
"P" - PLYOMETRIC class!! But I wasn't sure if I would get in. See it's called Air force Attack - and it's sponsored by the Air force. It's a group of recruits that are getting ready/conditioned for boot camp. It's just being "run" by the trainer's at my gym - and IN my gym.
Since I am not going in the Air force - they had to get "approval" for me to
"P" - Play with the recruits!! It's not a
"P" - Public class. But as I am but one girl, and the trainers assured them that I would be able to "hang" and not be disruptive or a distraction - I AM IN!!!
Yippee!!!!! So I have to learn how to jump rope between now and Friday the 16th. As they will be doing a series of movements,
"P" - Push ups, obstacles courses, lunges,
"P" - Plyo stuff. and jumping rope in between. I am up to 3 min.
"P" - Post HIIT without tripping/mis stepping. I am confident that even if I do have to "restart" during the 5 min. jump rope interval it will not be a concern.
It's not as if I have to stop to
"P" - Puke - LOL!
So Di - you are very good at guessing - but pretty poor at the alliteration challenge. Afterall - you said you would have ESP.....
But clearly, in honor of
"P" - P day you ar ea bit of a
"P" Physic:)
"O" - Outstanding!!!
"O" - Outstanding is how I feel! EXCELLENT cardio this morning, excellent sleep last night - and TERRIFIC news this morning at the gym.....
I faced my fear and weighed myself and took new measurements - so see where I am at as compared to last summer for the previous pics...
I am virtually EXACTLY where I was at 3 weeks prior to the pics - and the pics are slightly over 5 weeks away now!
Who say you can't maintain over the Holidays? - LOL
This of course left me feeling...
"O" - Overjoyed! I managed to jump rope for 2:30 before getting tangled - also great news!
I am also VERY glad that I live in
"O" - Onondaga County and not
"O" - Oswego county. These poor folks have received
"O" - OVER 80 inches of snow in just FIVE days!!!!! The Today show even came to broadcast live from this area! They are LITERALLY only a 35 min. drive from where I am - but while they CONTINUE to receive 3 - 5 inches PER HOUR, it's only snowing at the rate of 1 - 3 inches per hour here!
"O" - OBVIOUSLY I am VERY happy with Heaven right now:)
"N" - Noooooooooo
"N" - No Stopping me NOW!!!!!
I am having SUCH a great week training wise! PB's all over the place! AWESOME shoulder/tri/abs session last
"N" - Night! And this morning - a
"N" - New land record sprint of 8.8mph for 40 sec!!!!!! CRAZINESS!! AND after sprinting drills for 35 min I decided to give jump roping a try........
Now - even as a kid I always seem to have two left feet - I could NOT for the life of me skip rope for any period of time. And when I did it was always that one foot at a time walking kind of thing.
But I got some
"N" - News last night which I am VERY excited about but must be saved until the letter "p" - LOL.! But the news includes a jump rope - so I faced my fear and gave it a go.........
First attempt - 90 sec straight - YIPPEEE!! Second attempt - 2mins!!! WOW!!!! Third attempt - 110sec - all three attempt back to back - all three with feet together like a
"N" - Normal person!!!! I am SOOOOO excited! I can't wait until February 16th........details to follow - hehehehe.
In other
"N" - News my Yogi tea is being given a run for it's money. I have since discovered.....
"N" - Numi tea - which is FABULOUS!!!!! Much more taste - however - cocoa spice has nothing to worry about. See - I've also discovered a way to improve on my already seemingly indulgent glass of bedtime tea. One packet of
"N" - Nestle diet hot cocoa mix has 25 calories. I could easily just drink this - but frankly it's a bit sweet and watery - bleeaacchh.
HOWEVER - when I add a tablespoon of this to my cocoa spice, a splash of milk.......
"N" - NIRVANA!!!! And I get literally 6 tablespoons out of the packet of cocoa - which means I am literally adding less than 5 calories to my cocoa for SHEER heavenly results!
"N" - NOICE!
And yes Di - I am no doubt a
"N" - Nutter:)
"M" - is for
"M" - MINUS as in MINUS 30 degrees Farenheit!!!
That's what it is outside with the windchill. Do you guys even have a "windchill" factor where you are?
The ACTUAL temperature right now is only 5 above zero. You know what -30 windchill feels like.....
"M" - Mind numbing cold!!!!! Like brain freeze from ice cream - but it's all over!!!!!!
I also thought today might be a nice to revisit
"M" - Memory lane! Where I was the year before I met Sue - and where I was last August! I can't wait to see where I'm at come....
"M" March of this year - LOL!!!
The cold must be doing some good for me - GAWD I hate to admit THAT! I had my personal BEST interval pace on the Gauntlet this morning!! I scared some of the Seniors I think - LOL! But they knew I was o.k. as I was smiling the ENTIRE time - so proud of ...
"M" - Myself:)
I actually think that these ...
"M" - Massages are to be given credit. Well that and an ounce of my own ....
"M" - Medicine. Seems I spend every weekend telling clients to listen to their bodies and rest when they need to - yet I often force myself to battle on - even when I'm exhausted. Normally the day after legs I pick a
"M" - Moderate cardio session - to help work the DOMS out. But yesterday I didn't feel like it AT ALL! I needed an extra hour of sleep - told myself I do cardio after lifting.
It came time to return for back and bi's - had some PB's there too!!!! But still didn't feel up to cardio. No worries - plenty of time before pics - I look pretty good right now to be honest - but there is ALWAYS a little bit better:)
ANYWAY - no cardio yesterday....
"M" - Massage instead!!! Woke up this morning feeling like my legs were made of springs - SOOOOOOO much energy!!!
And the rest is history!
But before I go today is a good day to tell more about one of my learning developments. At the gym they now offer
"M" - Metabolic typing. To analyze your personality/traits and help you refine your diet to work best with your own metabolism/nature.
It was free - and they needed volunteers so what the heck. Only took about 20 min. Come to find eating lots of green veggies, light protein sources, starch from veggies - not bread/pasta/rice and limited dairy works out best for me based on their "test".
I was thinking that based on this energy and the reflection in the
"M" - Mirror - but it's always nice to have some reinforcement now and then!
"M" - Make it a GREAT day!!!!!
"L" - as in.....
Where did I
"L" - Leave off?
There is absolutely nothing
"L" - Lovely about waking up and finding 8" of fresh snow on top of your car Di - nothing! Especially not when you have grown accustomed to the
"L" - Lovely maintenance men that come with the amenities of Heaven and have returned to the House to "babysit" while XBF is off in a sunny location for work. Because suddenly ALL of that snow removal is now your responsibility again. Shoveling, snow blowing, deicing, child walking, creating paths in the back yard for the child to be able to cruise around and rest areas for the "business at hand" when nature calls. Please keep in mind this "child" is a 120 lb. dog:) But the snow is so deep it's up over his "parts" and won't go out unless a path is cleared. And he is a big boy with arthritis in his hips - so he can't just trudge through like in his younger days. It's a lot of work. And it's freezing! And it's blowing! And it's now the coldest weather yet - thanks Steve:) - so no - I am NO FAN OF SNOW!
I'm now back in Heaven, and it's still cold, and blowing and snowing, and one of these mornings I really must bring my camera outside with me so you all can see what I get to "wake up to" after a good "dumping":) But at least here my men will get rid of the majority of the snow for me.
"L" - Lucky Aussie's get programs with running in sand is part of their training! Must be nice! Here I could write a program, shovel deep hard stuff plow dumped at end of driveway for five minutes, shovel light fluffy stuff near house for five minutes, throw snowballs at dog who won't stop pestering you, and repeat for 3 sets - LOL!
Otherwise there has been much
"L" - Learning go on around here. My gym has a few new services available - typical first of the year "updates" and I've tried one of these and have signed up for a second which starts in a couple of weeks. Both involve learning a bit more about my "self" and abilities. Although they are more appropriate for other
"L" - Letters so for now it's a secret:)
I'm also trying to learn how to use this stupid MP3! ARRrrrggghhhhh!!!! Yup - just like Hil - mine was on backorder and non one bothers to tell you so you can order from someone else. They assured me it was compatible with my current programs - and I can see that it looks like something is in there - but I haven't figured out how to get it out just yet - how FRUSTRATING! I'm waiting an email from tech support now.
I'm learning just how valuable my "tip" from a friend is - WOW! Tenacious you have no idea how much I
"L" - LOVE that program!!! And the workouts it produces!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!
And I'm
"L" - Learning how to pose - I think. Once XBF is situated I'll have him watch and see if I'm getting this right.
But I must run -
"L" - Literally! Because it wouldn't be "L" day without training.......
"L" - LEGS!!!!!