Weird But True

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Did you know......

The inventor of Jell - O sold the rights to this patent to a neighbor for $450!!!! It's true! He couldn't find anyone insterested in his product, so he sold it to his neighbor for $450.

Now it was 1899 - so $450 was a lot more than then it is now, but even back then the neighbor went on to become a million within 4 years!

Hindsight is 20/20 as they say!

Speaking of 20/20 - VERY busy at the real job these days, can't wait for the little buggers to just go back to school already.

And I'm definitely looking forward to my long Holiday weekend. Peace and quiet - Ahhhhhhh!!!

I've been watching a FABULOUS DVD - "What the bleep do we know". It's a "documentary" about the science behind why visualizing your goals and positive thoughts ACTUALLY works.

Sounds a bit overwhelming I know, and I will be watching it more than once to make sure I understand this correctly, but they do break most of it down in to small understandable "bits".

One experiement they show of "words" on water. Plain old water. They take one sample, place it under a microscope and analyze it. They take a second sample and "yell" at it, scream I hate you, you're ugly, you're fat, etc. and analyze THIS sample......

The water cell become "ugly", hostile, agitated, visibly different when viewed under a microscope.

A third sample is "fed" positive thoughts/words, You're beautiful. I love you. Thank you.

The water becomes beautiful, relaxed - and peaceful.

If your words and thoughts can have this effect on water.....imagine what the same words and thoughts can do to your body. Your inner self.

Something to think about...........

Sunday, August 27, 2006

For the Record.....

This is one American who agrees with you Aussie's - Cinnamon flavored tic tacs are disgusting! And I don't care for cinammon flavored gum either.

Now fireballs...Mmmmmmm...those used to be a personal addiction! When XBF and I first got together - he would bring me big 5 lb. tubs of these things. And sadly Ii went through more than one!

Now they give me heart burn though - *sigh*.

For those of you familiar with Sue's tips for successful photo preparation one of the "tips" is to have a friend come with you to the shoot - this I did. However the friend is supposed to bring a camera to take sample pics during the shoot - most likely to avoid the anxiety I am currently going through.

Mine did not.

So still I wait. And this week's work schedule appears to be too hectic to travel and day but tomorrow - Monday. And since he hasn't called........

Looks like more waiting. Friday will be the earliest. Most likely - next week now.

I'm trying to keep myself busy at the moment - lots of updates being loaded and scaned in to my computer - and I really am ready for bed. I just keep looking at the progress bar and telling myeslf - 5 more minutes. 5 more minutes.

Today was a trying day - both for myself and some people who are very close to me - so I am a boit darained.
All turned out well here Stateside. For now.....

For my dear friends that are facing their own challenges......please know that my heart and thoughts are with you. I am here for you - when you are ready.
Remember -

“Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.”
Kevin Arnold

Thursday, August 24, 2006


I have oftened wondered what Vegemite was - ever since that Men At Work song back on the 80's. And now that I know so many folks "Down Under", and realise that you actually eat this, I've been tempted to ask them to send me a jar - so I can see exactly what in the world it is.

Then I tear off the page on my page a day trivia calendar and learn that it is made from the left over yeast extract from the manufacture of beer!!!!!

Are you KIDDING me?!!!! You guys eat this?! I've never had it - but I've toured breweries. In fact there's one a few miles down the road. And that yeast stuff

I'm glad I never asked to have it sent over. It must be an acquired taste!

Quick update - still no news from the photographer - so I'm just going about my business of being busy! training is GREAT! It's still sunny and warm....Pretty much - I'm still living a dream!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I think this means I'm old....

*sigh* - I think I received the first sign that I'm..........dare I say it........AGING!

Sure - I've had other milestones, the first grey hair, the first - oh this hurts to type - wrinkle! - lets call it a laugh line shall we?

I've had the big 3 - 0 birthday. I've lived on my own, owned 2 houses, been married, divorced, have a living will, bills - oh yes - I have those - LOL.

But today's news - man - I'm shaking my head. Seems too soon......

I have been instructed that it' s time for a baseline mammogram!!! I thought this happened at 40. Apparently not. With all types of cancer on the rise - they want to start me now - 35 Crying

I guess that's why I have health insurance! "Cause otherwise I'm so healthy they have nothing talk to me about! Which is always a good thing. Clean bill of health - and I had them do a "mole check" now that I am sunfree - no concerns there either.

So I'll try to come to terms with the apparently inevitable thought of aging and being heading to the gym to "lift" my troubles away!!!!

At least this quote doesn't apply to me!

“Many people treat their bodies as if they were rented from Hertz-something they are using to get around in but nothing they genuinely care about understanding” Chungliang A Huang

Sunday, August 20, 2006

A tease.....

I was all email message from the photographer...could it be...possibly be.....I AM off from the real job tomorrow - I could go for a quick road trip........

*sigh* - the pics are at the lab still - few more days. But at least they have been editted (sp?) and sent out for the final step.

In the meantime - having a GREAT weekend! TP is back from his "trips" so I had a spot today - YIPPEE!!!! This will hurt tomorrow for certain!!! I LOVE DOMS! I think - LOL!

I've watched about half of the comp you all went to In July - what a GREAT gift!!!

So nice to see everyone "move"!!

Kimmy - you looked ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!! Well Done!!! So confident on stage!!! Never would have guessed it was your first comp!

Sue - I can not say it enough - you have a TREMENDOUS stage persona!!! Very expressive and confident!! A pleasure to watch!!!!

And Kerry - after reading your post tonight - I just know you'll be on that stage achieving your goal in NO TIME!!!!! How long til that "big" 'day?

Everyone looked so wonderful!! I can't wait to finsh taking in all categories! I of course skipped to those folks I know well!

As a matter of fact - perhaps I should sign off and watch a little bit more right now!

Have a great night!!

If there is no passion in your life,then have you really lived?
Find your passion, whatever it may be.
Become it, and let it become youand you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you
.--T. Alan Armstrong

Saturday, August 19, 2006

I LOVE to watch you train.....

That's what a woman said to me Friday morning as I stretched after tearing up the stairmill/gauntlet - GOD I love that thing!!!

"I just love to watch you train! You REALLY seem to push yourself - and when it's over - you just look so satisfied!" - LOL

This just made my day!

But then my day got better!!!!! I picked up my mail and got not ONE - but TWO prezzies from far, far away!!!!

Kerry sent me some ABSOLUTELY SINFUL treats - pod cookies and arnotts crunchy milk/malt ball things. YUMMY!!!!! I sampled some of the mint flavor and promptly put these little goodies in the freezer! Can't be leaving these out to look at everyday - definitely not on my plan - but I get free meals too you know!!!!

Back at Christmas time Sue had sent me some Tim Tams - had to see what you guys are always talking about - these were good - I think Kerry's little "treats" might be bettter. Although the Tim Tam Slam was an excellent way to ring in the New Year.

And speaking of Sue - sent me a prezzie too!!! DELICIOUS condiments from Yarra Valley - since I can't get wine from that region here in the States at least I could try SOMETHING, a sample of Goliath protein - ummmmm, now I see why she likes the Myoplex Lite so much. Not that Goliath was bad - but the Myoplex Lite is so much thicker and tastes like ice cream - almost sinful if you're patient enough. Goliath is well.....just protein.

For a country that can do chocolate goodies so well - you'd think they figure out a way to do better on the "shakes"

AND in the box was a dvd of her comp from this summer!!! I can NOT wait to see everyone I know "in action"!!! I am SO very excited!!!!! Had to save this one until tonight - got too late last night and a girl needs her sleep!!!!

So of course after work I trained legs - because that's what I do with extra energy - LOL! Another exciting Friday night here in New York - done and dusted as you guys say!!!!

And I say - another PERFECT day comes to an end!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


My good fortune continues!!! I'm so happy I make myself sic - LOL!

First thing this morning I received a huge compliment from a very dear friend - left me feeling so "on top of the world" that I had an AMAZING HIIT session on the gauntlet!

We all know that a great training session will just lead to euphoria - at least for me - so I was already had checked this off as a great day before 10 am!

But then my day got better! I scored a GREAT deal on 3 gifts on ebay!!! YIPPEE!!!

XBF said that he wasn't going to spending tonight at the hotel where his out of town training is this week - would I mind staying at Heaven tonight so he could have his own bed back? HECK YEAH!!! SWEET!!!! I get to go home! Now if I can just convince him to come home on Thursday too - I'll be done with dog

And at work - they knew I had a lot on my plate this week - so they asked if I wanted to cash in a couple of hours personal time today! ABSOLUTELY!!!!!

So I'm in Heaven - showered and about to cook some yummy fish!!!! I get to sleep in my own bed - wake up in my own bedroom.....Ahhhhh - the comforts of home!!!!

If only the photographer would call........

Patience grasshoppa........patience!!!!!

Cross your fingers for me!!!!
“Is there anything better than to be longing for something, when you know it is within reach?”
Greta Garbo

Monday, August 14, 2006

Hey Mikey.....

He liked it!!! LOL - do you guys even know what I am talking about? The old '70's LIFE cereal commercials? If not - never mind - just file it under "crazy Michelle" and move on.

Dad LOVED his date roll!!!! You can't really wrap such a creation - after it's made you roll it in a damp dishtowel - then 2 rolls of newspapers and store it in the fridge.

So I took the newspaper "tube" and wrapped it a plastic grocery store bag. Tied a bunch of ribbons around it and gave it to him as his first present. He was concerned that it was cold to the touch - and wondering why it was damp. I kept asking "know what it is........know what it is......." as he carefully peeled back each layer.

Once he got to the dishtowel - I said " you MUST know by now....." and he said " the only thing that comes to mind is a date roll" I started BEAMING with pride! I said "not just ANY date roll - your MOTHER'S date ROLL!!! From the recipe written BY HAND in her hand writing in a brown composition notebook that is barely holding together".

He looked at it - declared it "beautiful". He tasted it. Said it was as good as he remembered. He also said that the last time he had one was 1964 -the first year he was in the military and returned home at Christmas time. That was the last year his Mom made one!!!!!!

I had 2 other gifts for him - also HUGE surprises!!!! He was so moved and in such a good mood that I told him about all of the treasures I have here at the apartment - his old pictures, i.d. bracelet, report cards,etc. I told him that I was going to create a scrapbook but feared it was the wrong time of year and that so many memories all at once might be too much for him.

He agreeded. So I'll keep these things in "hiding" for now.

It went

I - am STILL waiting to here from the photographer. Now that it's been a week I am getting VERY anxious!!!!! I must check my messages and email 10 times a day!!!!!

And this morning I attempted HIIT - I trained legs Friday evening. Monday morning they were still a bit "unhappy" with me - screaming with every interval!!! Funny how when you are sore your heart rate is different performing the exact same program that you normally would do. I chose a preprogramed interval program - I can normally do level 6 - sometimes level 7. My HR on level 6 was WAY too high today - and the pain was pretty nasty - so I dropped it to level 5 and both the HR and the discomfort felt much more appropriate! And tmorrow I get to lift again - chest and tri's. Week 2 here I come! Who has my aspirin?

Basically - just another day here in Heaven - LOL!

Until next time!!!

Did you know....
The shortest human adult on record is 22.5 inches? And I - Michelle - was 26 1/2 inches when I was born?!!!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Somehow I finished! I'm alive - though barely - LOL!

No - I'm definitely fully alive beacuse if I were dead I'm sure there would be at least one square inch on my body that wasn't screaming right now!

WOW - this is an AWESOME program - thanks Sue!! My abs hurt, forearms, shoulders, back is so full of DOMS I had to wear 2 sport bras to hold up "the twins" - LOL! Haven't done that since jumping jacks when I was teaching kickboxing cardio! Need all the support I can get today! And my legs........OMG - You Are The Man - I LOVE IT!!!!!!!

So - lots of long hot showers. Sugar scrubs, streching - basically a day relaxing......a well earned day of "rest".

Trying to get a bit ahead of the game - have to house sit for a few days this week - and tomorrow's Dad's Birthday. He's been a bit under the weather - so I don't know if the date roll will be a hit - but it's the thought that counts - and he'll never see THIS coming!!!!!

Make it a great day everyone!!!!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

You WON'T belive THIS.....

"So I'm at the gym being tortured by my trainer when I see a familiar face. Except...something is different this week. Oh - she's still smiling - which I do NOT understand the gym is NOT a place to be smiling.....and she's still got something blasting her ears - maybe that's why she's smiling - killed something important in there....and sh'e STILL grunting and sweating while she's lifting - yet ANOTHER mystery to me.....but now she's has these THINGS. THINGS attached to her gloves.......I watch her, confused, and when she's done and tosses them with her other things I sneak a look. You will NOT belive this......"Freak Girl" now has HOOKS! Hooks?! Apparently she's such a "freak" that her hands can no longer hold enough weight - so she needs HOOKS!!! Call me crazy - but if you can't hold on to to the bar - maybe it's time to say enough"

Last night I trained back and bi's for the first time on my new program - OMG! WOW! Actually every session this week has left me feeling every muscle the next day - some muscles for 2 days!!! But last night as I put on my hooks I had to laugh - because last week on the radio our local d.j. told the above story - LOL! Guess I made a lsting impression!

But hey - if they have to talk about you - at least it's a compliment - right? Could be worse - talking about body odors or bad form or ........

But if my "freakish" strength is all they talk about........I say Job Well Done!!!!!

All that's left for me to try is legs - insert theme from Jaws here - this one looks a bit scary. And I've been warned......but the only way to overcome fear is to face fear so...........

I just MUST remember to stretch - a LOT!!!! And luckily? Unfortunately? It's freezing here again - go figure - so I'll just drag myself off the floor - cause no doubt this workout will leave me in a jello like puddle - and pour myself into a LONG, HOT shower - here in Heaven!!!!!!

Pray for me!!! - LOL!!!!
“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.”
Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I chickened out....

On the leg workout!!! I was going to train legs today and then I really looked at it.........I haven't trained legs in 10 days...........we are EXTREMELY busy at the real job tomorrow........ I have to work 10 hours - on my feet.......with the public.......and children......lots of children........Back to School time..........

I did Chest and tri's instead Blushy 2 And it was GOOD!!!!! And I apparently got the chest work out in before the DOMS from last night's shoulders work out set in because right now it's hard to reach the key board - LOL!!

But I did break down and give the blender it's first use in about 2 weeks, MMmmmm - Sue - the new flavor is VERY fudgey!!!! Delicious!!!

So all caught up on the IBO stuff, blender works and now off to dinner with Dad!

Until Later.....
“Forget love, I'd rather fall in chocolate.”
Author Unknown

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


LOL - you guys are simply the BEST!!!! You all mean more to me than you know!!!! Circle Of Hearts I came back yesterday and found ALL my emails personal - IBO - peep you name it - all "in boxes" were simply filled with well wishes, inquiring minds - just so many fuzzies for me!!! THANK YOU!!!! And all the positive comments that you guys have left on my blog for me this past week - my gosh - you have no idea how touched I am!!!!!! And you all wonder where I get my motivation from - LOL! How could I let all you guys down?

So - I think I'm finally caught up with the business stuff - let me steal a couple of minutes to fill you all in at once. The photographer was simply AMAZING!!! His studio was simple, he was personable, and so much attention to detail - WOW! He was exactly all that I had hoped for - and more!!!! I went with 5 different outfits - just in case the colors didn't work with my "tan" and the lighting/back drops. I figured I'd be there for an hour - tops.

Nearly 2 1/2 hours!!!!! And he was disappointed when we ran out of outfits - he was suggesting combinations/poses. He was hoping I had brought "props" like an exercise ball or dumbells or something - if only I had known! I'm new to this. Honestly thought I'd get there and he'd see me and be like "sure - she does online training - whatever!!! Who is SHE to think she needs her pics professionally done." I couldn't have been more wrong!!!

He told me that after talking to me he was worried that he wouldn't have anything to work with - some of those magazine before and afters just aren't that impressive. Once he saw me he was commenting on how I have more muscles than he does - that he was FLOORED that I didn't compete - that this was an "easy" shoot - how he felt guilty for drinking regular sweetened tea and not diet in my presence - LOL!

He has some great ideas. Lots of pics were taken. One idea that he shared that I can't wait to see is he took a bunch of closeups of each muscle - ie/ abs, bi's, back, etc. He wants to do these in high contrast and create a collage of just my parts - cool!! But I have to wait about 2 weeks for the proofs. So you must all wait for pics. I know - this will be a long 2 weeks - LOL!

I did my "modified" carb depletion/dehydration - no water after 8 the night before. By the time I was done with the "shoot" it was 12:30 - I was SO thirsty!! And HUNGRY - WOW! I was surprised at how exhausting flexing can be!! I gotta hand it to you competitors - I was sore this morning from my little "musckle" show!!

And my idea of carb depletion was NOTHING like what you competitors do. I had a pancake for breakfeast Friday morning! An apple on Saturday! And veggies every meal but meal 5 on Sunday!!!

I was a ball of nerves!!! Lucky for me XBF predicted this and had voluteered to be my driver!! The photograher is about 50 minutes away. I had 3 oz. of merlot Monday morning - the photo shoot prep says it will help with dehyrdation - and Lord knows I was all a flutter! But there was so much adrenaline pumping through me - I never even felt the effects! I don't even remember the last time I had red wine - been months. In the Summer I'm a reisling girl - with LOTS of ice so it's kinda watery and super cold. And even then it's only one glass - all I can stand before I get loopy - LOL! And that's when I'm fully hydrated and fed! On an empty stomach and slightly dehydrated.........I should've been stumbling! Yet I felt nothing! Told you I was nervous!!!

So after the shoot I had cold chicken and green beans with lots of water waiting for me for the car ride home - sound familiar Sue? I didn't want to shock my system with restaurant food right away. Later on last night we did hit the local microbrew for a couple - literally 2 - that was all I could handle - I'm such a lightweight! - and I of course - had a grilled chicken salad!

Such a binger - LOL! If it wasn't for the beer I probably wouldn't have slept at all last night! STILL so excited about the shoot and anxious to see what he does!!

I wasn't 100% this morning so I passed on cardio first thing, and instead used the time to get caught up with my IBO stuff. BUT - in true Michelle fashion - I hit the gym straight after work for my first lifting session on the new program!!!

I picked an "easy" one - F.Y.I. there is no such thing as an "easy" program if it comes from Sue. Shoulders and abs - WOW!!! Me likey!!!! They're already pretty achey! Long hot shower with my sugar scrub - I DO like this stuff - will be getting more!!! I didn't have a shake for dinner though - I was TOO hungry - went straight for - you guessed it - more chicken and a HUGE salad!

I keep telling you this is my way of life!

Tomorrow - glutton for punishment that I am, I think I'll give the leg program a try. I'm off from the "real" job - so if I train myself into a coma all I have to do is stumble up my 3 flights to Heaven and snuggles down for a long afternoon nap.

Now THAT sounds like the perfect day - too me!!!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sugar coma.....

That's what this looks like to me - a sugar coma waiting to happen!

This "beauty" is my Dad's Mom's Date roll - and will be part of dad's Birthday treat on the 14th. I'm told you can keep this is the refrigerator for a month?!!! So I figured since it was cool, and I couldn't train today, I would give it a go in case I "botched" it up some how.

Surprisingly my Aunt says that looks exactly like G'ma's did - and she wishes she could have a bite right now!

XBF came over - I made him try a bite - I'm not trying it - not even tomorrow after the pics. I think I raised my blood sugar just making it!

Xbf said it's DELICIOUS!!!!

He also said I look FABULOUS! And a bit "freaky" - I think that's a good sign. Kinda weird going to sleep one color and waking up another - makes for an interesting "jump" let me tell you - LOL!

So - my clothes are laid out - directions, lotions, about to have my last meal until tomorrow. I'm finally starting to get excited about this!

But sadly, I think I'm most excited about getting back to the gym! 2 days no training - I'm going through withdrawal! I want to go tomorrow after the pics - but XBF is my driver and he's not having it. We have a couple of errands we both need to attend to then we're off for microbrew and a movie.

So my new program will have to wait until Tuesday.

Hilary - it's a sugar scrub by Nutrogena - citrus scented - and YES you MUST get this!! To DIE for - LOL!

And attention all competitors - did you know Model Co. makes a self tanner remover scrub? Check it out:

I didn't bother with this - I'm not that dark. But the folks at the salon say they refer people to this all the time!

Wish me Luck!!!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I am SMOOOoooooth.....

My skin is so smooth right now - I hate to let them "spray" it!!!!

Since I'm in my final stages of returning to my natural state of pale - I decided to splurge and papmer myself at home this week. Every time I showered this week I used this sugar salt scrub stuff - it says it's gentle enough to use every day so no worries!

Figured this stuff would exfoliate the last of the "old" color off - give me a nice fresh pallette to work with. If you guys haven't tried this - you really should indulge!! My skin is SO soft right now - and smooth - and no need to moisturize when you're done!!!!

Although since I've been showering so much and I had to have pics taken Monday I moisturized anyway - not taking any chances with that color.

I saw a "hot" salt scrub online - can't find that locally. Says when you shower and rub this in you get some "warming" action along with the exfoliating...tell me that doesn't sound like total bliss! Right after legs - or any GREAT session - super hot shower under my "octopus" shower head with this scrubbing stuff........

I may just splurge again!!!

XBF stopped by a moment ago - he said even pale he can tell that I'm at least as defined as the last pics - in fact he said he thinks I look WAY harder -

But he hasn't seen any flesh higher than a calf since the last shoot - so who knows! And we all know how well "trained" in manners he is - LOL!

Anyway - I'm off to get sprayed - and stinky. Self tanner is NASTY!

I did NOT order the bullseye.....

Some of you may remember that back in April I finally broke down and bought a new car - after having the last one for 9 years it was finally starting to give me some trouble. Nothing major - but little stuff that was making me anxious and was time.

So I bought a new 2006 model. Spectacular Blue color - like midnight blue but brighter. ANYWAY - I have NEVER owned a car that attracted more Bird Pooping in my LIFE!!!! Aad my last car was "Arrest Me Red"!!

Every morning I go outside and find a whole new "attact" has been launched! Just last week after the torrential storms we had - it WAS still covered - so I went to the car wash and the attendant looks at the hood of my car and says - "what the heck it that?"

"Bird Poop"
"Are you not from around here? we got 3 inches of rain in an hour. Ain't no bird poop can survive that!"

LOL - if only rain could undo what I keep receiving!

Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Birdie the birdies! On that same morning after the storm I spotted a duck stuck in the middle of a 6 lane road unable to fly! Somehow broke his wing. I didn't want him to get smushed - so I was one of those people who braved traffic to "shoo - shoo" the little guy back to the marshy side of the road.

Even if it should be his time - it should be with his own "folks" Tombstone

Otherwise things are going pretty good here! Confirmed the apointment with the photographer - completed the last of my cardio/gym visits for the weekend - lots of fresh green beans are here just calling my name...........

I can't say it was the last of my "workouts" - it's surprising just how heavy all these gallons of distilled water can be when you have to carry them from the parking lot up 3 flights stairs in 80 - 90% humidity!!!

Who says you can't get a great workout at home!!

Until next time......

“You just have to do your own thing, no matter what anyone says. It's your life.”
Ethan Embry

One last thought - just wanted to say "hi" and thanks to everyone who has left a comment or shot me an email lately!!

I never realized so many of Sue's clients are stopping by!!! Thanks to everyone - and don't be strangers!!


Thursday, August 03, 2006

For Lunch.....

2 Triple Whopper's with cheese
1 Medium French Fry
1 Medium Coke
courtesey of the "flame broiled" restaurant Crown 2 From their own website - the nutrional data of this "meal":
3020 calories
184 fat grams
198 carbs
146 g protein

THIS is what my co worker had for lunch today!!!!!! Vomit 2
He had this in ONE sitting!! For lunch!!! He picked THIS because he thought 1 quad. whopper would be too much protein!!!!

Let's do the math - 4 pieces of cheese - 2 buns - 4 pieces of bacon - 4 "beef" patties


6 "beef" patties, 6 pieces of cheese 6 pieces of bacon, 6 buns......

I don't think math was his strongest subject in school - LOL! At least he had the decency to bow his head in shame when I walked in the room. He DID know that the french fry is the top "vegetable" consumed in America.

And he also guessed correctly that I would "google" the stats on that disaster and put it on my blog. Blushy 2

I'm LOVING my chicken and green beans - fresh produce makes it easier for sure!!! And funny how it really is like I tell my "peeps" - if you can ride out the cravings and "triggers" for three days - your body will forget. I was so conditioned to having a shake when I returned after lifting that I had to hide my poor blender this week. As soon as I would get in the car - I'd start thinking about it - almost tasting it.

Now - the thought of it just sounds too sweet - go figure!

Until next time -

“Good habits, once established are just as hard to break as are bad habits”
Robert Puller

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm excited!

If I wake up on the 7th and look HALF as defined and feel HALF as good as I have these past 2 days....NO WORRIES!! I have definition in my legs - all the abs are showing - and I'm still pale!!! Some brown stuff and a smile, and I'll be good to go! Oh yeah - and bikini - must remember clothing - LOL...... Details...details Bug Eyed

This heat wave's timing is PERFECT!!! It's natural and healthy for EVERYONE to be drinking this much water this this week! Eating light protein with no sauces and veggies is what I want anyway - well, except for my blender but why bring that up - I actually put it in the closet in the back, so I wouldn't have to look at it everyday! And training - it's far better to take it easy when it's this hot - and you're not used to it. I'd be fighting with myself over lifting less if not for these pics! High reps and super sets - works out perfect!! Moderate cardio is better for my legs rights now - normally BORING - but I have a new book, just finished a GREAT one which I'll share later, AND with the heat moderate cardio is better for everyone!


Interesting tidbit...the "Heat Index" is some long formula involving 20 odd variables that boils down to relative humidity in comparision to the current air temperature. I heard on the news yesterday mornign that yesterday at 4 a.m. the air temperature was 80F, the dewpoint was 73F, which made the air humidity something like 90% humidity. The resulting Heat Index - how your body perceives these conditons if you were to train outside for example - 150F!!! ay t 4 am!

Thank GOD for air conditioning!!!! So I'm off to my air conditioned gym for this morning's session before we all start baking again - 2 more days of crazy weather before it cools off. Hmmm....cooling off over the weekend - for Monday...this DOES seem to be coming together.......

Fingers Crossed!