Weird But True

Monday, July 31, 2006

I miss my blender.....

Sweaty Of all the weeks to have to give up my "ice cream"! We are smack dab in the middle of a heat wave - and I must confess I am one of the few who is LOVING it!!! We just don't get enough Summer in my parts - so I rarely complain about the heat.

HOWEVER - even I have my breaking points. Today was 9oF with a heat index of 98F - not too bad in my book. There was a breeze to keep things moving, little extra water, and I'm good to go! In fact - when it's this hot out food doesn't look good anyway, so hey - bring on the pics!

But tomorrow and Wednesday the actual temperature is predicted to be over 100F both days. And we had some HUGE summer storms this weekend - more flooding, so the humidity is high. The heat index is in the low 70's today - predicted to rise to the mid to upper 70's tomorrow. AND we're due for another HUGE storm tonight.

When the dew point is over 70 the humidity starts to approach that of a jungle. seriously - that's the scale they use. They're saying tomorrow may be close to a rain forest if tonight's storm actually occurs. The heat index - what the air will feel like tomorrow - is said to be near 115F! There's already a poor air quality alert for tomorrow!

So I'm wishing for a big blender full of Myolex Ice Cream - but instead I will have some grilled chicken and veggies. Lucky for me I train first thing in the morning anyway - so it's just a mild sacrifice - LOL! Since this is my biggest problem - it's easy to see I'm doing pretty well!

Stay cool everyone!

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal;nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."--Thomas Jefferson

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The verdict.....

Well after much debating - I decided to go with what I know works for me! All of you seem to agree - so that makes me feel a bit better about the decision. Of course in the back of my head there will always be the "what if I......." but experimenting should be done when the end result is not "critical" - so some day perhaps......... but even my first first 12 week challenge with Sue I used the previously described method! I'm just too scared to wreck a good thing!!!!!

My first challenge with Sue I even did cardio the morning of the shoot! But I didn't have leg definition in that picture - blame it on cardio or a higher fat percentage - I won't risk that again. So supersets this week, extra cardio as usual, clean eats, no starches, no salt, distilled water and rest Saturday and Sunday. The shoot is at 10 am Monday morning.

So I was mourning what I thought would be final salad last night when a light went on - I didn't eat salad the last time for a week because dressing has too much sodium. But this time of year my veggies are FRESH and LOCAL and FLAVORFUL! There's absolutely no reason why I can't enjoy a salad if I want to - I just have to pass on the dressing. And since I'm barely using any now..........

YIPPEEE!!!!! The game has begun.......... Bounce

Friday, July 28, 2006


O.K. Bloggers - I need advice and I need it QUICK! This pic was taken of me in March of this year. This picture was taken on a Saturday night, at approximately 8 pm.

I had worked - ON MY FEET all day. I did cardio the day before. The STAIRMILL! I ate chicken and asparagus - ALL DAY - I drank water - ALL DAY.

This was taken 2 days prior to when my original professional pictures were scheduled to be taken .

The photographer had a family emergency and had to cancel our session. Since I neede the pics for an online Challenge - I had XBF shoot some with my digital camera just for documentation and went about my business. I was NOT planning on having my picture taken this day.

My preparation for this picture did not involve the final week preparation that so many go through - and that IBO clients are familiar with. My preparation was to emlinate dairy and water retaining starchy carbs - oats/rice/all bran, elminate as much sodium as possible, switch to distilled water for 3 days prior to this picture, and use chicken or turkey as my protein source - along with PLENTY of veggies at every meal. My training was upper body only - light weights and supersets this week.

I think I looked pretty good.

The pants I wore to work on this day are looser on me now then they were then. XBF says I am "veinier" now than I was then. Right now I am pale - so I don't look as "hard" or defined - color does a lot. But other indicators tell me with some color I should look pretty close to this right now.

So - my question and dilema - I don't think that's spelled right - pls forgive - do I follow what worked for me in March or do I follow what works for others?

And risk not looking like this on August 7th.

Right now I've got a good thing going with the Metabolism. I have lots of energy and strength. I'm afraid that if I follow a "true" depletion water/diet that I may "mess up" my Metabolism.

Or what if it doesn't work for me - and I wake up on the 7th and I don't have definition and "veins"? What if I wake up a puffa fish?

so.....HELP!!!!!! I need opinions.....and Advice......and I need it quick! The pics are one week from Monday.

Feel free to shoot me an email

I LOVE Little Joe!!!!!

That's right - I said it - I LOVE Little Joe!!!

Too bad I don't know who he is - LOL! Never met him, most likely never will. But he is growing the MOST fabulous tasting green beans right - Mmmmmmmmm - Delicious!!!!

I'm fortunate enough to have several local "grower's" in my area - and since it's our summer the veggies are local and fresh. And we all know how I do love my veggies Sunshine But the ones from this guy - which are actually the ones I get at the grocery store - are somehow EVEN BETTER than the ones straight from the stand! And cheaper! And more plentiful!!

And the timing couldn't be better! As I get closer to August 7th the less I'm allowed to "doctor" my food - but who needs sauces when you've got such great natural flavor! So cardio water and the help of Little's all coming together!

So I don't know who you are Joe, or what you're doing - But KEEP IT UP!!!!! Thank You

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Haircut Check

Well yesterday was haircut/color - more realistic statement is trim, and color. I had quite a bit of "golden" in the old hair color which with the new skin color made me just look yellow. She tells me this is more "neutral" and "natural" but my gosh it seems dark. Dark always lifts a bit the first couple of washes - so we'll see how it goes.

Luckily August 7th is still a week away - I can always sneak back in for a "tune up" if necessary. XBF says he likes it - but then we all know he's been trained in "niceness".

Speaking of "nice" this one deserves "NOICE" spelling. Again - I've been living under a rock apparently. I rad a LOT as you all may have noticed. I usually find the boook I want to read on Amazon or soem comparable site - buy it used and resell it when I'm done. So far it's been working out pretty well - and at most I've lost a couple of dollars which, to me, has seemed totally worth it.

A Dr. that I work with suggested that I go to the public library. C'mon - I'm not in school - who has time for these things - searching, sorting and everything is outdated - right?

WRONG! You go, get a card and a "pin" number. Then you can access THE ENTIRE NETWORK'S data base ONLINE! Who knew? Certainly not me!

I create a "request" list - up to 50 books! They have them shipped to the branch closest to me - I pick them up and return them with I'm done.

AND they have CD's, DVD's, and VHS - but who still borrows those? Sure - the first 3 titles I searched fro weren't in the data base - so I went back to Amazon anyway. But C'mon - how easy is it for me to check this out? I'm so very excited!

AND if I ever get motivated to actually do "research" on say geneology or where old friends disappeared to, by linking to the library site I can access all sorts of research sites directly - without paying all the fees that you noramlly would have to pay online!

So the next snow storm.....maybe........

But right now it's summer! And that's my season - so we'll save "research" for another day!

Monday, July 24, 2006

I Hunger.......
Oh Yes - feeling MUCH better today!!!!
I went to bed last night at 9pm! And slept right through until 5:30 this morning! Well, there was the occasional trip to the restroom and then the fridge for more water - think I would see a pattern here - huh?

Rocked that cardio this morning - hit the Guantlet for some HIIT and then went back in the afternoon for an incline power walk!

Burn baby burn!!! My metabolism is rewarding me for my efforts - I'm in need of some more veggies in about 30 minutes - so let's keep those fingers busy!

The title is a dual purpose one today as well! After several unsuccessful attempts at advertising/listing my beloved Sinistar Video game - it is finally set to be adopted. I loved Sinistar as a teen - and when I was at the house with XBF we turned the downstairs into a full fun "bar". 4 full size video games, plus a counter top one! Draft line too! We were the house of fun!

But when we split it was time to sell off the "children" and recoup our investment. Galaga, Ms. Pac and Space Invaders all went quickly - they're more mainstream. Sinistar - few even know of him - so this placement has taken some time.

But the reserve has been met - with 6 days to go. So very soon - I will be saying "good bye" to a friendSmileyCentral.comNow that I look at the calendar, by the time funds are exchanged and delivery arranged - looks like I might be adding it to the picture day activities!

I tried to get the sound bite for Sinistar to work here - but I am not that technically inclined. So instead - I give you a link to a site with more Sinistar info and sounds than most will ever need to know:

Sunday, July 23, 2006


That's what I'm yelping today - "Mommy!" - must be the excitement of having committed to having my pics taken or something - but Good Lord - I've really done it to myself this weekend!

Seemingly every inch of my body is screaming! Thank goodness the temperature has dropped a bit because I am just sitting - yes sitting - in the for 1/2 hour at a time! The hot water beating on my poor muscles feels SO good!

And I used the same program as last week! Go figure! Seemed pointless to start a new program just yet - this one is only on week 4 - I was just bored. Might just as well wait until after the pics - something to look forward to!

I did go up in either poundage or reps in just about everything, and of course had the HRM going during cardio.......

Luckily tomorrow is cardio only - Phew!

Who knows - I'll be hitting the sack EARLY tonight - and no doubt sleeping like the dead!

But only after another indulgent

Friday, July 21, 2006

I'm Committed!

Now - I haven't been committed - although there are some who might just think I should be - LOL! But I AM committed!

Today was a very productive day!

First - I renewed my lease here in Heaven for another year - YIPPEE!

THEN - I renewed my gym membership - HOORAY!

THEN - I have a haircut/color scheduled for Wednesday - THANK GOD! The old hair color and the new lighter skin color are just not working!


And by posting this for all the world to see I can not back out of any of these things now! So bring on the veggies and the water - ice is water - right?Winkyand the cardio - I'm so sick I love these things anyway!! Say goodbye to the beer and the wine - it's only a couple of weeks - bring on some fake tan and let's make this happen!!!!! Raise The Roof 1

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I'm SO Hungover.........

This is what I hear every Thursday morning at the gym about 7:55 a.m. There's this "trainer" who comes dragging in - hair wet, sunglasses on, not in "uniform", nursing a large coffee of some sort and proceeds to toss her belongings in a corner and search around for something to eat.

This girl is not exactly "fit" either. Overweight, no muscle tone - really not sure why the gym would hire her as a trainer. In fact there are only 3 trainers at the gym that I would consider "trainers". To me, if you're going to instruct people on how to change their bodies, improve their lifestyles - shouldn't you at least LOOK like you practice that lifestyle?

I couldn't walk in to my "regular" job like the girl above and expect to work my shift. How would you like to be this girl's client?

Anyway - I had an awesome training day today! Just cardio - but it was one of those days that just felt GREAT! Lots of energy, tunes cranking - finsihed with a strong set of ab work. Like someone lit a fire under me! I LOVE that feeling! And that trainer walking in as I was leaving was such a stark contrast to how I was feeling - I just had to post about it.

I also thought it would be a good time for another pic from my past. This drunkard in the corner is me - December 2001. Most of me is covered by sweater - but check out the size of my face! GOOD LORD! Even my hand looks "puffy"!

And XBF said that I was the hottest girl he had ever been with that night! Now - I've seen pics of some of his ex girlfriends - they were/are cute girls. So this statement can only be explained by one of three things:
1. - XBF was well trained at making girls feel good about them selves
2. - XBF was more intoxicated than I was this night
3. - XBF wanted to "get lucky"

Hmmmmmm - maybe it was 4 -
4. - ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!

LOL! Make it a great day!!

“The best portion of a good man's life is his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love”
William Wordsworth

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I'm addicted........

To my blender!! And ICE! Lots and lots of ice!!!! It's really hot here - high's in the mid to upper 90's everyday - dewpoints in the low to mid 70's which makes the humidityREALLY high! And my hair.........Afro With Pick

Only bigger - LOL! But I love summer - wouldn't trade it for anything in the world - except to have it year round! Fresh local veggies, sun, HOT - I'm so HAPPY!!!!!

But it is hot - so I'm not wanting to be inside boiling,baking, and frying things - O.K. - do I EVER want these things - no - but I seem to be addicted to slushies!

Protein shakes - that's a given - my record is now 17 chopped up cubes of frozen pleasure!

But I'll make my tea - really strong - let it cool - slush it up!

Diet lemonade - ditto!

My freezer can't keep up with my demand - I have to buy it in the giant bag and keep it in the freezer - to grab at will!
I was afraid I'd be annoying the neighbors - so I fired on the blender and went in the hall, shut the door........

Let the chopping begin!

Something to think about.......
Does this have some deeper meaning.........
And why is there a quote for it............
“I am obsessed with ice cubes. Obsessed.”
Drew Barrymore

A couple special shouts to Sue and Kimmy - YOU BOTH LOOK GREAT!!!!!! WELL DONE MY FRIENDS! I can't wait to what the next 6 months will hold for you!!!!!Bravo

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Well you might remember that I was struggling with a decision earlier this week. Should I allow a supplement company to feature me, and my likeness, as a "Success Story" in their magazine? I was torn - because I don't want to be used in misleading advertisements - giving hope to people that the solution comes in "this bottle" or from "that product."

When I entered their 12 week contest, I did use one of their products - their protein supplement. You had to use one of their products to "compete". It's good, tasty, easy to digest. But there are other products I like just as much if not better than their's. But I was afraid that my image and any endorsement would be used for something else that they sell. I would not benefit from the sale of this product - they would be using me for their profit.

There was a LOT of soul searching going on here. It was exciting to be named a "runner up". It was exciting to receive my $300 worth of protein - FREE! But most of what they sent me still sits in my closet - unopened. In fact I find myself buying more of my favorite brand and not using theirs.

Their "magazine" is essentially a glossy grouping of advetisements and testimonials of "Success Stories". They actually sell this as a subscription based publication! Their advertisements in other magazines are kinda "cheesy" - lots of propaganda - it takes a while to get to the "meat" if you will. And their websites - whoa! Some of the sites almost remind me of a tabloid publication!

My original thought was to do the interview - but only if I could final approval on the "copy". But I decided against even that. Bottom line - I don't trust them. I wouldn't recommend their product to anyone - it's kinda pricey and no better than others in my opinion. So why chance my crediblity?

Sure, if I was misrepresented I could "sue" - but why bother. Why waste the $$? The hassle? The stress?

I don't need the "noteriety" - I'm not counting down my 15 minutes of fame. Even if, and this is TRULY a huge if, it lead to something more - a spokesperson or fitness model - etc., that's not what I'm searching for. My work with Sue and her clients feels like a "gift" - each and every day. THIS is what makes me feel "complete", "motivated", and always searching for "more" - this is what make my day better than good - This is what makes me feel a passion for fitness - not the idea of my picture in a magazine - the chance to help others achieve their personal best!

A funny thing happened during the week of my decision making - working out felt like a chore. The idea of eating chicken was "disgusting". I eat chicken 5 times a day by choice upon occasion - yet once I started debating this situation my body wanted anything BUT chicken and veggies! I normally wake up before my alarm - this past week I was sleeping right up to it - and then DRAGGING myself out of bed!

Once I decided NOT to do the interview, I immediately wanted grilled chicken at my next meal. I "popped" out of bed the next morning!

And as for peg leg walk says it all - LOL!

All is back to "normal" here in Heaven!Sunshine

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Part 2......

So I hand my "cookies" to poor "Dapper" who looks as if I just handed my arm or something! He kinda jumps - and a "cookie" bounces on the floor. They are quickly picked up and tossed to another server - who also holds them as if it's a beating heart, and she rushes back in towards the restuarant - to presumably put them in my coat.

No one knows what to say, lots of "What the Hell" and "Where did those come from" going on, LOL! This was back when "cookies" first came on the market. I had to mail order them. The latest technology!

So there I am - sitting in the back hall of a mall - gasping for air. I'm red, wheezing, wearing a white tank top, orange shorts, stockings, socks, and sneakers - keep this in mind. Surround by no less then 4 concerned girls wearing the same outfit, 2 cooks, and 2 managers. Lord only knows how long the ticket times were right then - no one seemed to be working.

Thank God the EMT was able to separate the "visual" in front of him. They promptly scoop me up, put me on stretcher and the oxygen mask goes on. They start doing whatever it is they do, I'm sitting upright on the stretcher, and they wheel me out.

Of the side door. Into the FOOD COURT at a VERY busy mall. Wonderful!Dismay
But I don't care - I just want to be fixed. Off I go - rushed to the ER.

Now - if you should ever be around when something like this happens - do the victim a favor - hand her some clothes! I was rushed out of work and shipped to the Hospital wearing ONLY the above mentioned outfit. Only.

No keys.
No I.D.
No car.
No $$$.
No coat.
No ride home.


So I get to Hospital and all the proper things are done and I can breathe again - YIPPEE! PLENTY of attention from all those working - no doubt they still tell this story too! I'm sitting there being monitored, when this dawns on me...... How will get home? Where are my clothes? What do I do now? My husband was at work - as a guard in a JAIL! You can't reach him by phone!

I hit the "nurse" button - everybody panics - I'm like "It's O.K. - I'm O.K. I just need to use a phone or something".

And at that moment in walks my Husband - one of the few times I am still truly greatful he was around! The EMT knew me from the restaurant - he called the Jail - and the rest.......Thumbs Up

THE ENDToo Funny

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Don't believe your eyes...

I was chatting away with Jodie this evening and my MOST embarrassing moment came to mind.

For some odd reason, I felt the need to blog it instead of just sharing it with her. 'Cause who doesn't need a laugh - right?

And if you can't laugh at yourself.......

So - here goes!

Back what seems like 2 "life times" ago, when I was married, I was working as a waitress at a "theme" restaurant - so to speak. You know the one, orange shorts, white tank tops, Owl 2 known for it's "nearly world famous chicken wings"?Sexy

It was a BEAUTIFUL day in the end of May. First day it was going to hit 90F. (You might remember from this year's post that the first time it hits 90F in the spring my allergies go CRAZY! Back then it wasn't just migraines and bloat - then it was a SEVERE asthma attack) I was battling my asthma all day! My "puffer" never left my side". I should've just stayed home - but to "call in" on one of the busiest nights - on the first really nice day - well.....that would just look bad. And that's not my style. So I figure once I get inside in the a/c all will be better.

But there are a LOT of windows in this restaurant. And the a/c was broke - go figure. AND folks could still smoke indoors - they can't now - not here at least. So between the windows and the sun creating a "greenhouse", no a/c, a stale smokey enviornment, smoke and smells from the fryers and the grill, my day leading up to my shift......

I was fading fast.

I wasn't at work 15min. when I was in the ladies room sucking on my puffer. Washing the back of my neck with cool water, hands over head to open my airways.......nothing was working. They called an ambulance.

Now remember I was waiting tables, at a place that is themed aroundSexy, so even if you've "got 'em" you can always have bigger. And the bigger the better $$$$.

So I'm in the back hallway - the one that leads to outside where the deliveries are made, trash is taken througth, etc. Concerned friends all about. Someone suggests that I untie my tank top - they were tied in the back to help emphasize the "size" ofSexy.

So I do. Then they suggest that I unhook my bra. A light goes on in my head. I'm on the floor, in the hallway, gasping for air, every second seems like an hour. Just waiting for the EMT to arrive and "save" me. My "cookies" - can't be taking these to the hospital!

Cookies are not what you might be thinking. "Cookies" are those silicone pads that are half moon shaped that go under the real boobie in your bra - to make you look even bigger. My "cookies" were impressive - they weighed about 1lb a piece - 2 full cup sizes. But no one knew I wore them - it was a well kept secret - until that moment.

I unhooked my bra, "caught" my cookies as they dropped in to my lap - turned to may favorite manager - who happened to be a male who was about 5 years older than me, and wheezed "can you put these in my coat?" And handed over my warm, slightly sticky "cookies". Just as the EMT came around the corner.

And of course the EMT was one of my best tipping regulars - and he just witnessed the "passing" of the boobs.Blushy 2

To be continued......

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Decisions, Decisions......

Some of you guys have known me since "Body Blog". You might remember this past January I was contacted by a supplement company. I had submitted the results of my first 12 week challenge with Sue to them last year and they contacted my to tell me that I had been named a runner up and as such I was about to receive a TON of free supplements.

GREAT NEWS!!! They also wanted to feature me as a "success story" in a future issue of their magazine. They told me it would take a few months, but to be patient and they would call.

They did call, last week. My phone interview is Thursday. They wanted to know if I could provide additional pictures - of a more professional quality, within 3 weeks. If I can find a photographer whose schedule matches mine - this will not be a problem. All I need is a little spray tan and super clean eats, with lots of water!, for a week.

I was all excited! Immediately started making phone calls, for hair/nails/finding a photographer - but as I sit here tonight flipping through a fitness magazine I'm wondering why? Why am I willing to do this? Am I willing to do this?

All of those girls in the before and after's are unpaid "spokesman". They take their pictures and use them at their discretion. Often changing their words around, to sell more of their product. Is that what I want?

I will gladly have my picture taken and used on Sue's website - any day - any time. I will appear in her print ads - whatever. I believe in her product. Her methods work. When people ask me what I recommed or what I take/do/follow I proudly refer them to Sue's site. The person sitting in front of this monitor is due in part to her experience and guidance. The solution is not found in a bottle - or a small magic pill. At least not for me. There's nothing but hard, consistent, training and clean quality eats sitting here tonight. My words are true and unbiased. The work I am now fortunate enough to do with her is truly a "gift" to me. I love helping other people uncover their true potential! Even if I wasn't lucky enough to be able to work with Sue's clients I would still refer people to her site. I did refer them to her site - from my 4 week measurements on!!!

But do I want to be "that girl"? The one in the ads telling you that the solution is in this product or that product? The answer is "no". I do not take anything but a multivitamin, glutamine, flax seed oil and whey protein. That's it. I will not allow a company to use my image to "sell" their product - one that I don't even use! This company has a protein supplement - that is what I received from them in February. It's tasty - easy to digest. I may allow them to use me in those ads - may. I'm undecided.

I have a session booked with a photographer in 2 weeks. I've always wanted professional pics, who doesn't want a great black and white of themself? Plus it would be nice to have a professional pic for Sue's next web update, as well as my blog here. So I'll keep the appointment with the photographer. AND it will be the excuse I need to justify another professional mani/pedi - nails always look so much better when done by someone else - yet I just can't justify the cost/time involved with out an "event" - LOL.

I may be practical to a "fault".

And I'll still answer the phone when it rings on Thursday. But I want final approval on what they print. No "twisting" of my words will be allowed. No misrepresentation will be tolerated. Or there will not be an interview.

My motivation comes from helping others achieve their true potential! I look forward to each and every email. A chance to say a sincere kind word to others at the gym. If I EVER thought that I was instilling a false sense of hope or misleading someone........

I wouldn't be being true to myself.

“I've learned to trust myself, to listen to truth, to not be afraid of it and to not try and hide it.”
Sarah McLachlan

My mouth is SOO happy.....

How to make Michelle happy:

Step 1 - Have it be 85 outside - mostly sunny
Step 2 - Keep her away from "The Real Job"
Step 3 - Have homegrown veggies at The Farmer's Market
Step 4 - Tell her it's leg day!!!

Today was just about PERFECT!!! My mouth is SO very happy right now!! My veggies are so tasty I don't even need seasonings!!! Raw - they're goor, steamed - also great - mixed together piled high on a plate - YUMMYYY!!!

AMAZING leg session this afternoon at the gym! Some disgusting guy was hogging the leg press machine - left his sweaty resudue all behind when he was done - but not even that would ruin my day!! I simply sprayed it off - wiped it dry - while he watched, LOL - and went about my business!

Headphones blasting - no t.p. Life is GREAT!

Just when I'm all on cloud 9 I feel a tap on my shoulder......

It's Yank - my gym buddy who has lost nearly 2 whole Michelle's so far. He has a gift for me!!

It's his warrior picture! THE moment in time when he's crossing the finish line on his latest marathon!!!!

He looks so PROUD! As well he should be!!!!

Yup - it's a perfect day! I'm exhausted, and full and now I'm full of fuzzies!

Until later!

"If you train hard, you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat."~ Herschel Walker

Friday, July 07, 2006

Check out the size of my.....

PROTEIN SHAKE!!! Silly little piggies - LOL!

Can you see the size of this monster?

It's now like a "game" - how big can I make it tonight. I am SUCH a simple person. 16 ice cubes couple ounces of water, one packet of stawberry myoplex lite. That's it. 190 calories - totally good for me and it feels like I'm eating a whole quart of strawberry ice cream!!!!

MMMmmmmmm! Hilary - seriously - get a blender! Do you see what you're missing?


Thursday, July 06, 2006

One of these things......

"is not like the others..... one of these things just doesn't belong...."

Do you guys remember this song? I remember it from my childhood - used to be a game they played on Sesame Street or something. They would show pictures of 4 fruits and one veggie and you had to guess which one was "different" - LOL.

ANYWAY - this song was going through my head most all of Wednesday night. Some friends were/are in town that I hadn't seen in over a year, and they all wanted to meet out Wednesday after work. They were heading to my favorite BBQ spot, so a chance to catch up, eat great healthy food, and I hadn't indulged in a beer in a week or so, I said sure.

I had 3 beers, a grilled chicken salad and lots of water over the 5 hours we were together. I was quite happy! Delicious food - everything in moderation, I wasn't driving - perfect evening, for me. They ate ribs and cornbread and taters and slaw and beer after beer after beer after.......

I just didn't fit in. Not just food wise - but here we were 6 or 7 years that we've known each other, and they are still telling the same stories from the day I met them. Cracking the same jokes, laughing at the same things. It was nice to see everyone again - but after about 1/2 hour it was old. Felt stale. I began to realize how little I have in common with them now.

I was always a little different then they were - different interests, different habits/choices. I know I've grown a lot in the past couple of years - but I didn't realize they hadn't changed at all. At first I was saddened - but you know what - I feel like this is who I truly am. I feel like I have finally found "myself". I am truly happy. I wake up looking forward to each and every day.

I wonder if they can say the same?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


It's raining on my parade - literally!

It's the 4th of July and it's pouring so hard I can't see across my courtyard right now! So no parade for the kiddies.

I'm not big into parades or fireworks - and I gave up tanning....SO - I'm just happy I'm not working!!!

I'm all caught on the home front, correspondence, food prep, training, Ahhhhhhhhh. Kinda nice to be "wasting time"

I'm one of the few people who haven't seen The Village - and I like suspense/scary movies when it's raining, so I think that's where I'm headed next!

Signing off - and heading straight for the couch! Remote in hand!!!

Until next time........

How true, how true....

“If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner.”
Tallulah Bankhead

Sunday, July 02, 2006

This can NOT be good for me.....

Sue - you may want to stop reading right here. I know you're in the final stages of your comp prep - and I know how much you love your Myoplex Lite. The following blog may be more than you can handle right now. This has been a warning.

Long Holiday weekend here - so I pushed leg training back to Sunday this week. Or is it bumped it up to Sunday? - it's been on Tuesday's and I did it last Tuesday - but starting a new program can lead to excessive DOMS - so I figured if I trained legs on Sunday that would give me plenty of time to recover before returning to work.

Regardless - today was legs - and it was GREAT!!! T.P. was there - he can no longer walk - LOL - I do LOVE that feeling - outperforming a man!!! And watching him look at me all "odd" as I stretch in between sets while he sits and tries to figure out how he conned in to this in the first place! Thinks he can't walk now - wait until tomorrow morning!

So it's Hot here - I LOVE it!!! Came back to Heaven - to prepare my shake - Mmmmmmm. They always seem to taste better after legs - like I earned it!

It was stuffy in Heaven - I had it closed up while I was gone - no need for burglers and it did look like it might storm. But I'm no fan of a/c - so I threw open the windows and waited for the fans to catch up.

Couldn't help but think of ice cream - it is a Holiday weekend. It is Hot out! I start to eyeball the blender - the powerhouse I "stole" off ebay - this is just the machine for my craving!

16 ice cubes went in. 2 - 3 oz. water. 1 packet chocolate mocha Myoplex lite, 2 tablespooons butterscotch ff/sf pudding mix. Let the pulsing/chopping begin.

Had to keep scraping the sides with my spoon. A splash or 2 more water - patience - almost perfect. Yes!!!! Perfection!!

This creation was the consistency of a frosty from Wendy's. With all of the chopping it was nearly 2/3's of the blender in size. The spoon stood straight up! When I held it upside down it barely moved!

I ate it straight from the blender - seemed to last forever. It was downright sinful!

I thought of you Sue, the whole time. Thanks for the wisdom!!!!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

There was this freak.....

"...girl at the gym - all grunting and straining and why was she sweating if she was just lifting weights ANYWAYS, who tells me to lift my boobs to the ceiling! Boobs to the ceiling - what is she talking about? But you know what - I tried it - and it worked. I felt it right where I was supposed to. So thanks freak girl - I'm sore because of you."

They're training a few of the d.j.'s from the station I listen to at the gym where I train. While I was doing lizard lats the other day I saw one of the male trainers working with the female d.j. from this station. He's trying to explain the proper form for front lat pulldowns on the cable machine, and she's just not getting it. I had just finished them and was now on seated rows. He says to the d.j. - "didn't you see how she was doing it? Her form was perfect." And he nods in my direction

I've been training there for years. I smile and nod back. She tries agin - I say "Arch your back, shoulders down, lift your boobs to the ceiling" She gets the idea - I go back to training.

The next morning on my way to work - that's what I heard on the radio. LOL!!! Now I'm a freak girl. I'll take it as a compliment.

Life here in Heaven is just that. The rains have stopped - the sun is shining and it's a Holiday weekend!! I went to the Farmer's Market after work this morning and scored a plether of fresh locally grown veggies - my fridge is stocked. Let the cook off begin!!!!

Until next time.......
“When all else fails, stop using "all else".”
Author Unknown